Commit Diff

commit - 2eef3403bf2cebb4f2d37886babe4a83063d6daf
commit + 7dbaef94871c7c05d5c041470ca088e71339fe09
blob - 3203fd1cf6418909fb3b319209dc12777a7f71d8
blob + eba38de500bc81123c6b190def37f8f30bdd0caa
--- telescope.1
+++ telescope.1
@@ -120,185 +120,185 @@ Tab
 .Ss GNU Emacs-like keys
 .Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -offset indent -compact
 .It C-p
-.Ic previous-line
 .It C-n
-.Ic next-line
 .It C-f
-.Ic forward-char
 .It C-b
-.Ic backward-char
 .It M-{
-.Ic backward-paragraph
 .It M-}
-.Ic forward-paragraph
 .It C-a
-.Ic move-beginning-of-line
 .It C-e
-.Ic move-end-of-line
 .It M-v, M-space
-.Ic scroll-up
 .It C-v, space
-.Ic scroll-down
 .It M-<
-.Ic beginning-of-buffer
 .It M->
-.Ic end-of-buffer
 .It C-x C-c
-.Ic kill-telescope
 .It C-g
-.Ic clear-minibuf
 .It M-x
-.Ic execute-extended-command
 .It C-x C-f
-.Ic load-url
 .It C-x M-f
-.Ic load-current-url
 .It C-x t 0
-.Ic tab-close
 .It C-x t 1
-.Ic tab-close-other
 .It C-x t 2
-.Ic tab-new
 .It C-x t o
-.Ic tab-next
 .It C-x t O
-.Ic tab-previous
 .It C-x t m
-.Ic tab-move
 .It C-x t M
-.Ic tab-move-to
 .It C-M-b
-.Ic previous-page
 .It C-M-f
-.Ic next-page
 .It <f7> a
-.Ic bookmark-page
 .It <f7> <f7>
-.Ic list-bookmarks
 .Ss Xr vi 1 Ns -like keys
 .Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -offset indent -compact
 .It k
-.Ic previous-line
 .It j
-.Ic next-line
 .It l
-.Ic forward-char
 .It h
-.Ic backward-char
 .It {
-.Ic backward-paragraph
 .It }
-.Ic forward-paragraph
 .It ^
-.Ic move-beginning-of-line
 .It $
-.Ic move-end-of-line
 .It K
-.Ic scroll-line-up
 .It J
-.Ic scroll-line-down
 .It g g
-.Ic beginning-of-buffer
 .It G
-.Ic end-of-buffer
 .It g D
-.Ic tab-close
 .It g N
-.Ic tab-new
 .It g t
-.Ic tab-next
 .It g T
-.Ic tab-previous
 .It g M-t
-.Ic tab-move
 .It g M-T
-.Ic tab-move-to
 .It H
-.Ic previous-page
 .It L
-.Ic next-page
 .It q
-.Ic kill-telescope
 .It ESC
-.Ic clear-minibuf
 .It :
-.Ic execute-extended-command
 .Ss CUA-like keys
 .Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -offset indent -compact
 .It <up>
-.Ic previous-line
 .It <down>
-.Ic next-line
 .It <right>
-.Ic forward-char
 .It <left>
-.Ic backward-char
 .It <prior>
-.Ic scroll-up
 .It <next>
-.Ic scroll-down
 .It M-<left>
-.Ic previous-page
 .It M-<right>
-.Ic next-page
 .Ss Neither Emacs nor vi specific
 .Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -offset indent -compact
 .It <f1>
-.Ic toggle-help
 .It enter
-.Ic push-button
 .It M-enter
-.Ic push-button-new-tab
 .It M-tab
-.Ic previous-button
 .It tab
-.Ic next-button
 .Ss Minibuffer-specific keys
 .Bl -tag -width xxxxxxxxxxxx -offset indent -compact
 .It enter
-.Ic mini-complete-and-exit
 .It C-g
-.Ic mini-abort
 .It ESC
-.Ic mini-abort
 .It C-d
-.Ic mini-delete-char
 .It del
-.Ic mini-delete-backward-char
 .It backspace
-.Ic mini-delete-backward-char
 .It C-h
-.Ic mini-delete-backward-char
 .It C-b
-.Ic backward-char
 .It C-f
-.Ic forward-char
 .It <left>
-.Ic backward-char
 .It <right>
-.Ic forward-char
 .It C-e
-.Ic move-end-of-line
 .It C-a
-.Ic move-beginning-of-line
 .It <end>
-.Ic move-end-of-line
 .It <home>
-.Ic move-beginning-of-line
 .It C-k
-.Ic mini-kill-line
 .It M-p
-.Ic mini-previous-history-element
 .It M-n
-.Ic mini-next-history-element
 .It <up>
-.Ic mini-previous-history-element
 .It <down>
-.Ic mini-next-history-element
 Follows the documentation for the interactive commands.