Commit Diff

commit - 774690f252050b81d6f2c737e9c71111088a23ec
commit + 8064b84908439d34f2d8c11f09107d7e226d3809
blob - 94c3c82db65faac2f0ac4724397eb51bc8f3a176
blob + 98ad90bfafd1a8dd7053c6932476b4396bb5cf81
--- .gitignore
+++ .gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
blob - ca988189d427a81cabe4624acda89bc4a82dacc7
blob + a66906bb5e29db3235909bdcc0c709bb9b51dbe3
@@ -76,3 +76,4 @@ pages.c: pagebundler $(srcdir)/pages.h ${PAGES}
 	./pagebundler -f $(srcdir)/pages/about_help.gmi    -v about_help    >> $@
 	./pagebundler -f $(srcdir)/pages/about_license.gmi -v about_license >> $@
 	./pagebundler -f $(srcdir)/pages/about_new.gmi     -v about_new     >> $@
+	./pagebundler -f $(srcdir)/pages/about_crash.gmi   -v about_crash   >> $@
blob - 31071b7edfa7909b93e918c4ca6ba19ffffb614b
blob + 55d091a6a178eb28b3da7508c391001626a5507d
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h])
+	pages/about_crash.gmi
blob - 5283734cca4ad0227508cc4b03ba115147d1b13b
blob + 8a803f10ae2871a1068d20eb8d286357f2740cac
--- fs.c
+++ fs.c
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ handle_get(struct imsg *imsg, size_t datalen)
 		{"about:about",		NULL,	about_about,	about_about_len},
 		{"about:blank",		NULL,	about_blank,	about_blank_len},
 		{"about:bookmarks",	serve_bookmarks, 0,	0},
+		{"about:crash",		NULL,	about_crash,	about_crash_len},
 		{"about:help",		NULL,	about_help,	about_help_len},
 		{"about:license",	NULL,	about_license,	about_license_len},
 		{"about:new",		NULL,	about_new,	about_new_len},
blob - /dev/null
blob + 096347e0794710c42602dd5c163eb359ef4ad357 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ pages/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Oops
+It seems that Telescope crashed last time!  Please consider reporting this bug so it can be fixed.
+When reporting a bug, its useful to include the following information, otherwise it won’t be helpful:
+* Operating system
+* Telescope version (i.e. @PACKAGE_STRING@)
+* how to reproduce the crash, if known
+In addition, the backtrace (i.e. the state of the program at the moment of the crash) contains invaluable data to unveil the source of the bug.  Obtaining a backtrace is usually simple, but unfortunately depends on your system.
+On most system, you should find a file named ‘telescope.core’ or ‘<number>.core’ or just ‘core’ in the directory where you launched telescope (probably your home).
+Your shell may be configured to disallow coredumps.  If
+> $ ulimit -c
+prints 0 then you’ll need to enable coredumps using
+> $ ulimits -c unlimited
+and try to reproduce the bug again.
+To open a core file you need to install ‘gdb’ (the GNU debugger) and type
+> $ gdb telescope path/to/core-file
+If you’re using a linux distro with systemd (Arch, Fedora, Debian, ...) you have to use coredumpctl to obtain a backtrace.  Please refer to the following page on the Arch wiki:
+in particular the “Examining a core dump” section.
+At this point you should be at the GDB prompt.  Just type ‘bt’, press enter and copy all the output in a mail to @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@.
+> (gdb) bt
+> ...prints lots of useful information...
+> (gdb)
+To quit gdb, just type ‘q’ and enter.
blob - a5abba97cf0c7adb1c835482616b321b5e8e4024
blob + 4bb343be226b5c1c85b2876cb6dbed8ce5dde200
--- pages.h
+++ pages.h
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ extern size_t		 about_about_len;
 extern const uint8_t	 about_blank[];
 extern size_t		 about_blank_len;
+extern const uint8_t	 about_crash[];
+extern size_t		 about_crash_len;
 extern const uint8_t	 about_help[];
 extern size_t		 about_help_len;