Commit Diff

commit - 0d484cb2b071d715ba0d93d1ab18ee2c4610a975
commit + 84a15e79c4f6b767810aa39cabe5f94df476f712
blob - /dev/null
blob + 932cabd1ac0e5652fe74519e91e075a6d674bb20 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ bin/acmerc.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# acmerc
+I'm using this script to spawn acme on OpenBSD in all its glory!
+	#!/usr/bin/env rc
+	. $home/lib/profile
+	if (~ $PLAN9 '') {
+		echo '$PLAN9 is not defined!'
+		exit 1
+	}
+Provide a sane environment for acme
+	SHELL=rc
+	PAGER=nobs
+	EDITOR=editinacme
+	VISUAL=editinacme
+Most of the utilities from plan9ports binds sockets in NAMESPACE, which
+is /tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY by default.  I'd like to have different
+namespaces per acme session, so I'm defining the env variable.
+Yes, using $pid ($$ in bourne shell) is discouraged to generate "random"
+values, but here it's done on puropese: every program spawned inside
+*this* terminal will share the same namespace.
+	NAMESPACE=/tmp/ns.$user.$pid
+	mkdir -p $"NAMESPACE
+Start the plumber and fontsrv
+	plumber
+	fontsrv &
+	fontsrvpid=$apid
+I've used Go Mono for a while, but I'm falling in love with bitmaps
+fonts these days
+	font=/usr/local/plan9/font/fixed/unicode.7x14.font
+	# font=/mnt/font/GoMono/10a/font
+	FONT=/mnt/font/InputSans-Regular/10a/font
+Start acme for real
+	$PLAN9/bin/acme -a -f $font -F $FONT $* &
+	acmepid=$apid
+wait a bit for acme to set up its things and start autoacme
+	{
+		sleep 1
+		winid=1
+		exec acmeeval 'autoacme '$home'/bin/acmeconfig'
+	}
+	acmeevalpid=$apid
+Then wait for acme to terminate
+	wait $acmepid
+and stop acmeeval (just in case) and fontsrv
+	kill $acmeevalpid
+	kill $fontsrvpid
+wait a little bit more
+	wait # just in case
+and then kill the namespace before quitting
+	rm -rf $"NAMESPACE
blob - /dev/null
blob + 7466730d4114d6af65d78f9179256d9e8c062f54 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ bin/browser.lp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# browser
+This is my default browser.  It launces the connect program depending on
+what is currently running:
+	#!/bin/sh
+	if pgrep firefox >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		exec firefox "$1"
+	fi
+	if pgrep iridium >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		exec iridium "$1"
+	fi
+with a sane deafult
+	exec firefox "$1"