Commit Diff

commit - 8dd72746f73a1ba560b1b5864d0674bc093a948c
commit + 8695a5d9bfadccb039940ce2f1e6b39fafd88395
blob - 8f4b6cae93b3d712163202b719eddb23c72ac809
blob + 773ffda042687ab8b69acba077d231efa8df43de
--- kshrc.lp
+++ kshrc.lp
@@ -247,6 +247,16 @@ shell client to upload an encrypted message
 			"${baseurl}/${paste}" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc \
 			-base64 -d -K ${key} -iv ${iv}
 		unset url baseurl vals paste key iv
+	}
+a little awk oneliner to show the stats of a unified diff
+	diffstat() {
+		awk '
+		/^\+/ { a++; next }
+		/^\-/ { m++; next }
+		END   { printf("additions:\t%d\nremoval:\t%d\n", a, m) }
+		'
 find(1) is an invaluable tool and I use it all the time.  walk is an