Commit Diff

commit - 70db7fa56630b59ac4fd064799509c5e372bb810
commit + 8eb658e5fe92c611fa5f6e7bd0a40b8e3aca4b65
blob - 9d63e3de165251a480bce636f997aa23a10d392d
blob + f7a4722906c7a76d8c2d787904901dcb9c7d1dae
--- resources/posts/sndio-over-network.gmi
+++ resources/posts/sndio-over-network.gmi
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Like I said in the previous entry I don't like to write howtos: the information tend to rot away if not carefully updated, and I don't have all that stamina.  Anyway, I felt like writing this, and so here we are.
-=> /post/openbsd-tethering.html Previous entry: Automatic USB Tethering on OpenBSD
+=> /post/openbsd-tethering.gmi Previous entry: Automatic USB Tethering on OpenBSD
 Due to events that are outside the scope of this entry, I moved my computer in a place where I cannot comfortably attach a jack to it.  (I realized this only after the rearrangement, shame on me!)
blob - 465fb98bc05d3f894a9e80d70f3a2f6782cc451a
blob + 3ebff976f629fed54fd9d9444ad202433844af29
--- src/blog/gemtext.clj
+++ src/blog/gemtext.clj
@@ -146,12 +146,20 @@
   return a (HTML) link."
   [[_ href text]]
   (let [text (html-escape text)]
-    (if (re-matches #".*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" href)
+    (cond
+      (re-matches #".*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" href)
        [:a {:href href}
         [:img {:src href
                :alt text}]]
        [:figcaption text]]
+      ;; TODO: only for local and absolute URL to my site
+      (re-matches #".*\.gmi" href)
+      [ [:a {:href (str/replace href #"\.gmi$" ".html")}
+                text]]
+      :else
       [ [:a {:href href}