Commit Diff

commit - 44cf9512745c3d766924fe86e2ccb1506d7b12a6
commit + 950a8581cdd8adab4339e7804b37c938a35bc8ee
blob - 54eb21408fc69675d8143c7f060495a5d6def048
blob + 99d292adbe302293dbdcd40328819e945628ca7a
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ cool stuff from its libc and can output only to sndio.
 (I *think* it's possible to compile it on other UNIX-like systems too by
 providing shims for some non-portable functions -- hello libbsd -- and
-assuming that sndio is available.  And that you bundle a copy of imsg.c
+assuming that sndio is available.  And bundling a copy of imsg.c too)
 ## building