Commit Diff

commit - eccc9e7a62ce5bbbb66bfcf65e13d826f5779762
commit + 9c2414382fee8fe3db84cdb9a41a0af4ce509db4
blob - 24366c3e0ee9c239db2e4558a69d8fd00573cedd
blob + e8ae32b032aa56518d138d0be0e27cdfa1da2081
@@ -37,17 +37,43 @@ As simple as `make`. If you want to disable Xinerama s
 delete `-DUSE_XINERAMA` from the `CFLAGS` and `xinerama` from the
 `pkg-config` call from the Makefile.
+## FAQ
+ - Does not run / Hangs
+   At the startup mymenu will read `stdin` for a list of item, only
+   then it'll display a window. Are you sure that you're passing
+   something on standard input?
+ - License
+   The code is released under GPLv3, but I don't have strong
+   preference regard licenses, so if you ask I may release the code
+   also under a different license (a free software one of course).
+ - Will feature $X be added?
+   No. Or maybe Yes. In fact, it depends. Open an issue and let's
+   discuss. If it's something that's trivial to achieve in combo with
+   other tool maybe is not the case to add it here.
+ - Is feature $Y present? What $Z do? How to achieve $W?
+   Everything is documented in the man page. To read it, simply execute
+   `man -l mymenu.1` or `mandoc mymenu.1 | less` (depending on your
+   system the `-l` option may not be present).
 ## TODO
  - Command line flags
    At the moment the X Resource Database is the only way to interact
    with the graphic appearance of MyMenu.
  - Optional TrueType support
  - Opacity support
 ## Scripts