Commit Diff

commit - ce974da0f4956449d812797fb5baf6f7e16cc027
commit + 9f92b7afb7dbc8b324aa74af17b9c7e8ad8691a2
blob - 2949e00d4fa26de1f11ecee135be8d892a09ac30
blob + 8ec447e23de20b27757f1cfa8dce375ea5927f65
--- resources/pages/projects.gmi
+++ resources/pages/projects.gmi
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ It's a keybinding manager for X11.  It lets you assign
 Interactive REPL for HTTP requests with a simple and intuitive language.
 => sam-el.gmi           sam.el - An editor for the best OS
-sam.el is an implementation of the text editor sam for plan9 for emacs.  It's still far, far away from being usable.
+sam.el is an implementation of the text editor sam from plan9 for emacs.  It's still far, far away from being usable.