Commit Diff

commit - 5a8bc78967fef8f97da30b4368ca7e79dfdd274f
commit + ae03a48ba93f8ccf98093105523897833c63029c
blob - bb0edf28d4f1d032702072a1c04f2e0d9b589f86 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- cmd/getflags.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-	print("status=usage\n");
-	exits(0);
-findarg(char *flags, Rune r)
-	char *p;
-	Rune rr;
-	for(p=flags; p!=(char*)1; p=strchr(p, ',')+1){
-		chartorune(&rr, p);
-		if(rr == r)
-			return p;
-	}
-	return nil;	
-countargs(char *p)
-	int n;
-	n = 1;
-	while(*p == ' ')
-		p++;
-	for(; *p && *p != ','; p++)
-		if(*p == ' ' && *(p-1) != ' ')
-			n++;
-	return n;
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	char *flags, *p, buf[512];
-	int i, n;
-	Fmt fmt;
-	quotefmtinstall();
-	argv0 = argv[0];	/* for sysfatal */
-	flags = getenv("flagfmt");
-	if(flags == nil){
-		fprint(2, "$flagfmt not set\n");
-		print("exit 'missing flagfmt'");
-		exits(0);
-	}
-	fmtfdinit(&fmt, 1, buf, sizeof buf);
-	for(p=flags; p!=(char*)1; p=strchr(p, ',')+1)
-		fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%.1s=()\n", p);
-	default:
-		if((p = findarg(flags, ARGC())) == nil)
-			usage();
-		p += runelen(ARGC());
-		if(*p == ',' || *p == 0){
-			fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%C=1\n", ARGC());
-			break;
-		}
-		n = countargs(p);
-		fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%C=(", ARGC());
-		for(i=0; i<n; i++)
-			fmtprint(&fmt, "%s%q", i ? " " : "", EARGF(usage()));
-		fmtprint(&fmt, ")\n");
-	fmtprint(&fmt, "*=(");
-	for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
-		fmtprint(&fmt, "%s%q", i ? " " : "", argv[i]);
-	fmtprint(&fmt, ")\n");
-	fmtprint(&fmt, "status=''\n");
-	fmtfdflush(&fmt);
-	exits(0);
blob - b064feaf1e632fd6c7233f98064bea8f294a1038 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- cmd/usage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-	Fmt fmt;
-	char buf[512];
-	char *argv0, *args, *flags, *p, *p0;
-	int single;
-	Rune r;
-	argv0 = getenv("0");
-	if(argv0 == nil) {
-		if(argc > 1)
-			argv0 = argv[1];
-		else
-			argv0 = "unknown-program-name";
-	}
-	if((p = strrchr(argv0, '/')) != nil)
-		argv0 = p+1;
-	flags = getenv("flagfmt");
-	args = getenv("args");
-	if(argv0 == nil){
-		fprint(2, "aux/usage: $0 not set\n");
-		exits("$0");
-	}
-	if(flags == nil)
-		flags = "";
-	if(args == nil)
-		args = "";
-	fmtfdinit(&fmt, 2, buf, sizeof buf);
-	fmtprint(&fmt, "usage: %s", argv0);
-	if(flags[0]){
-		single = 0;
-		for(p=flags; *p; ){
-			p += chartorune(&r, p);
-			if(*p == ',' || *p == 0){
-				if(!single){
-					fmtprint(&fmt, " [-");
-					single = 1;
-				}
-				fmtprint(&fmt, "%C", r);
-				if(*p == ',')
-					p++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			while(*p == ' ')
-				p++;
-			if(single){
-				fmtprint(&fmt, "]");
-				single = 0;
-			}
-			p0 = p;
-			p = strchr(p0, ',');
-			if(p == nil)
-				p = "";
-			else
-				*p++ = 0;
-			fmtprint(&fmt, " [-%C %s]", r, p0);
-		}
-		if(single)
-			fmtprint(&fmt, "]");
-	}
-	if(args)
-		fmtprint(&fmt, " %s", args);
-	fmtprint(&fmt, "\n");
-	fmtfdflush(&fmt);
-	exits("usage");
blob - /dev/null
blob + 50274d4079a9fb4224a0f7dc5c690e28401930ed (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ man/man8/getflags.8
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+getflags, usage \- command-line parsing for shell scripts
+.B getflags $*
+.B usage [ progname ]
+.I Getflags
+parses the options in its command-line arguments
+according to the environment variable
+.BR $flagfmt .
+This variable should be a list of comma-separated options.
+Each option can be a single letter, indicating that it does
+not take arguments, or a letter followed by the space-separated
+names of its arguments.
+.I Getflags 
+prints an 
+.IR rc (1)
+script on standard output which initializes the
+environment variable
+.BI $flag x
+for every option mentioned in 
+.BR $flagfmt .
+If the option is not present on the command-line, the script
+sets that option's flag variable to an empty list.
+Otherwise, the script sets that option's flag variable with
+a list containing the option's arguments or, 
+if the option takes no arguments,
+with the string
+.BR 1 .
+The script also sets the variable
+.B $*
+to the list of arguments following the options.
+The final line in the script sets the
+.B $status
+variable, to the empty string on success
+and to the string
+.B usage
+when there is an error parsing the command line.
+.I Usage
+prints a usage message to standard error.
+It creates the message using
+.BR $flagfmt ,
+as described above,
+.BR $args ,
+which should contain the string to be printed explaining
+non-option arguments,
+.BR $0 ,
+the program name
+.IR rc (1)).
+If run under 
+.IR sh (1),
+which does not set
+.BR $0 ,
+the program name must be given explicitly on the command line.
+Parse the arguments for
+.IR leak (1):
+flagfmt='b,s,f binary,r res,x width'
+args='name | pid list'
+if(! ifs=() eval `{getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
+	usage
+	exit usage
+.B \*9/src/cmd/getflags.c
+.B \*9/src/cmd/usage.c
+.IR arg (3)
blob - 50274d4079a9fb4224a0f7dc5c690e28401930ed (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- man8/getflags.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-getflags, usage \- command-line parsing for shell scripts
-.B getflags $*
-.B usage [ progname ]
-.I Getflags
-parses the options in its command-line arguments
-according to the environment variable
-.BR $flagfmt .
-This variable should be a list of comma-separated options.
-Each option can be a single letter, indicating that it does
-not take arguments, or a letter followed by the space-separated
-names of its arguments.
-.I Getflags 
-prints an 
-.IR rc (1)
-script on standard output which initializes the
-environment variable
-.BI $flag x
-for every option mentioned in 
-.BR $flagfmt .
-If the option is not present on the command-line, the script
-sets that option's flag variable to an empty list.
-Otherwise, the script sets that option's flag variable with
-a list containing the option's arguments or, 
-if the option takes no arguments,
-with the string
-.BR 1 .
-The script also sets the variable
-.B $*
-to the list of arguments following the options.
-The final line in the script sets the
-.B $status
-variable, to the empty string on success
-and to the string
-.B usage
-when there is an error parsing the command line.
-.I Usage
-prints a usage message to standard error.
-It creates the message using
-.BR $flagfmt ,
-as described above,
-.BR $args ,
-which should contain the string to be printed explaining
-non-option arguments,
-.BR $0 ,
-the program name
-.IR rc (1)).
-If run under 
-.IR sh (1),
-which does not set
-.BR $0 ,
-the program name must be given explicitly on the command line.
-Parse the arguments for
-.IR leak (1):
-flagfmt='b,s,f binary,r res,x width'
-args='name | pid list'
-if(! ifs=() eval `{getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
-	usage
-	exit usage
-.B \*9/src/cmd/getflags.c
-.B \*9/src/cmd/usage.c
-.IR arg (3)
blob - /dev/null
blob + bb0edf28d4f1d032702072a1c04f2e0d9b589f86 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/getflags.c
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+	print("status=usage\n");
+	exits(0);
+findarg(char *flags, Rune r)
+	char *p;
+	Rune rr;
+	for(p=flags; p!=(char*)1; p=strchr(p, ',')+1){
+		chartorune(&rr, p);
+		if(rr == r)
+			return p;
+	}
+	return nil;	
+countargs(char *p)
+	int n;
+	n = 1;
+	while(*p == ' ')
+		p++;
+	for(; *p && *p != ','; p++)
+		if(*p == ' ' && *(p-1) != ' ')
+			n++;
+	return n;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	char *flags, *p, buf[512];
+	int i, n;
+	Fmt fmt;
+	quotefmtinstall();
+	argv0 = argv[0];	/* for sysfatal */
+	flags = getenv("flagfmt");
+	if(flags == nil){
+		fprint(2, "$flagfmt not set\n");
+		print("exit 'missing flagfmt'");
+		exits(0);
+	}
+	fmtfdinit(&fmt, 1, buf, sizeof buf);
+	for(p=flags; p!=(char*)1; p=strchr(p, ',')+1)
+		fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%.1s=()\n", p);
+	default:
+		if((p = findarg(flags, ARGC())) == nil)
+			usage();
+		p += runelen(ARGC());
+		if(*p == ',' || *p == 0){
+			fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%C=1\n", ARGC());
+			break;
+		}
+		n = countargs(p);
+		fmtprint(&fmt, "flag%C=(", ARGC());
+		for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+			fmtprint(&fmt, "%s%q", i ? " " : "", EARGF(usage()));
+		fmtprint(&fmt, ")\n");
+	fmtprint(&fmt, "*=(");
+	for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
+		fmtprint(&fmt, "%s%q", i ? " " : "", argv[i]);
+	fmtprint(&fmt, ")\n");
+	fmtprint(&fmt, "status=''\n");
+	fmtfdflush(&fmt);
+	exits(0);
blob - /dev/null
blob + b064feaf1e632fd6c7233f98064bea8f294a1038 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/cmd/usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	Fmt fmt;
+	char buf[512];
+	char *argv0, *args, *flags, *p, *p0;
+	int single;
+	Rune r;
+	argv0 = getenv("0");
+	if(argv0 == nil) {
+		if(argc > 1)
+			argv0 = argv[1];
+		else
+			argv0 = "unknown-program-name";
+	}
+	if((p = strrchr(argv0, '/')) != nil)
+		argv0 = p+1;
+	flags = getenv("flagfmt");
+	args = getenv("args");
+	if(argv0 == nil){
+		fprint(2, "aux/usage: $0 not set\n");
+		exits("$0");
+	}
+	if(flags == nil)
+		flags = "";
+	if(args == nil)
+		args = "";
+	fmtfdinit(&fmt, 2, buf, sizeof buf);
+	fmtprint(&fmt, "usage: %s", argv0);
+	if(flags[0]){
+		single = 0;
+		for(p=flags; *p; ){
+			p += chartorune(&r, p);
+			if(*p == ',' || *p == 0){
+				if(!single){
+					fmtprint(&fmt, " [-");
+					single = 1;
+				}
+				fmtprint(&fmt, "%C", r);
+				if(*p == ',')
+					p++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			while(*p == ' ')
+				p++;
+			if(single){
+				fmtprint(&fmt, "]");
+				single = 0;
+			}
+			p0 = p;
+			p = strchr(p0, ',');
+			if(p == nil)
+				p = "";
+			else
+				*p++ = 0;
+			fmtprint(&fmt, " [-%C %s]", r, p0);
+		}
+		if(single)
+			fmtprint(&fmt, "]");
+	}
+	if(args)
+		fmtprint(&fmt, " %s", args);
+	fmtprint(&fmt, "\n");
+	fmtfdflush(&fmt);
+	exits("usage");