Commit Diff

commit - 648a6dfb248c55dfa39338ded6a2c81668240980
commit + b32bfb8fa93db6cc6f2dd1f46cb903fa9ce0ab31
blob - d664601d24d43daa0c7fda126953e2e1fae551a8
blob + ba4e410d581d23a1307afea3e4b852e2960028a9
--- deps.edn
+++ deps.edn
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 {:deps {hiccup               {:mvn/version "1.0.5"}
         ring                 {:mvn/version "1.8.0"}
         commonmark-hiccup    {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}
-        org.clojure/data.xml {:mvn/version "0.2.0-alpha6"}}
+        org.clojure/data.xml {:mvn/version "0.2.0-alpha6"}
+        com.omarpolo/gemtext {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}}
  :paths ["src" "resources"]
blob - b888e62f294f8c34aacbb16239142a2a8d3bb23a
blob + 7c27ddd70c8759a5a07fac72f2770d152ba3f1df
--- src/blog/gemtext.clj
+++ src/blog/gemtext.clj
@@ -1,201 +1,49 @@
 (ns blog.gemtext
    [clojure.string :as str]
-   [clojure.walk :as walk]))
+   [clojure.walk :as walk]
+   [gemtext.core :as gemtext]))
-(defn- starts-with?
-  "check if `s` starts with `substr`.  Return `false` if `s` is not a
-  string."
-  [s substr]
-  (when (string? s)
-    (str/starts-with? s substr)))
-(defn- match-code-blocks []
-  (fn [rf]
-    (let [acc   (volatile! [])
-          state (volatile! :normal)]
-      (fn
-        ([] (rf))
-        ([result] (rf result))
-        ([result line]
-         (let [in-verbatim? (= :verbatim @state)
-               marker?      (starts-with? line "```")]
-           (cond
-             (and (not in-verbatim?) marker?) ;go to verbatim
-             (do (vreset! state :verbatim)
-                 result)
-             ;; return what we've got and go to :normal
-             (and in-verbatim? marker?)
-             (let [res [:verbatim (str/join "\n" @acc)]]
-               (vreset! state :normal)
-               (vreset! acc [])
-               (rf result res))
-             in-verbatim?
-             (do (vswap! acc conj line)
-                 result)
-             :else
-             (rf result line))))))))
-(defn- match-headings []
-  (fn [rf]
-    (fn
-      ([] (rf))
-      ([result] (rf result))
-      ([result line]
-       (rf result
-           (cond
-             ;; the space character after the # is madatory
-             (starts-with? line "# ")   [:h1 (subs line 2)]
-             (starts-with? line "## ")  [:h2 (subs line 3)]
-             (starts-with? line "### ") [:h3 (subs line 4)]
-             :else                      line))))))
-(defn- generic-matcher
-  "Return a generic matcher transducer.  Will wrap line that starts with
-  `start` within `[type line]`."
-  [start type]
-  (fn [rf]
-    (fn
-      ([] (rf))
-      ([result] (rf result))
-      ([result line]
-       (rf result
-           (if (starts-with? line start)
-             [type (subs line (count start))]
-             line))))))
-(defn- match-lists [] (generic-matcher "* " :li))
-(defn- match-blockquotes [] (generic-matcher "> " :blockquote))
-(defn- match-links []
-  (fn [rf]
-    (fn
-      ([] (rf))
-      ([result] (rf result))
-      ([result line]
-       (let [spaces?   #{\space \tab}
-             nonblank? (complement spaces?)]
-         (rf result
-             (if-not (starts-with? line "=>")
-               line
-               (->> (seq line)
-                    (drop 2)               ; drop the marker
-                    (drop-while spaces?)   ; drop also the optional spaces
-                    (split-with nonblank?) ; separate URL from (optional) label
-                    (apply #(vector :link
-                                    (apply str %1)
-                                    (apply str (drop-while spaces? %2))))))))))))
-(defn match-paragraphs [] (generic-matcher "" :paragraph))
-(def parser
-  (comp (match-code-blocks)
-        (match-headings)
-        (match-lists)
-        (match-blockquotes)
-        (match-links)
-        (match-paragraphs)))
 (defn parse
   "Given a string representing a gemtext document, parse it into an
   hiccup-like data structure."
-  (transduce parser conj [] (str/split-lines str)))
+  (gemtext/parse str))
 (defn unparse [thing]
-  (let [sw (StringBuilder.)]
-    (walk/prewalk
-     (fn [t]
-       (cond
-         (nil? t) nil
+  (gemtext/unparse thing))
-         (or (seq? t)
-             (vector? t))
-         (if-not (keyword? (first t))
-           t
-           (let [[type a b] t]
-             (.append sw
-                      (case type
-                        :verbatim   (str "```\n" a "\n```")
-                        :h1         (str "# " a)
-                        :h2         (str "## " a)
-                        :h3         (str "### " a)
-                        :li         (str "* " a)
-                        :blockquote (str "> " a)
-                        :link       (str "=> " a " " b)
-                        :paragraph  a))
-             (.append sw "\n")
-             nil))))
-     thing)
-    (.toString sw)))
+(defn maybe-patch-link [[type attrs body :as t]]
+  (cond (not= type :a) t
-(defn html-escape
-  "Escape HTML entities in `str`"
-  [str]
-  (str/escape str
-              {\< "&lt;"
-               \> "&gt;"
-               \& "&amp;"}))
+        (re-matches #".*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" (:href attrs))
+        (let [{:keys [href]} attrs]
+          [:figure
+           [:a {:href href}
+            [:img {:src href
+                   :alt body}]]
+           [:figcaption body]])
-(defn- link->html
-  "Convert a (gemtext) link an HTML element.  If the link is pointing to
-  an image (guessed by href) transform it into an image, otherwise
-  return a (HTML) link."
-  [[_ href text]]
-  (let [text (html-escape text)]
-    (cond
-      (re-matches #".*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)" href)
-      [:figure
-       [:a {:href href}
-        [:img {:src href
-               :alt text}]]
-       [:figcaption text]]
+        (re-matches #".*\.gmi" (:href attrs))
+        [ [:a {:href (str/replace (:href attrs)
+                                         #"\.gmi$"
+                                         ".html")}
+                  body]]
-      ;; TODO: only for local and absolute URL to my site
-      (re-matches #".*\.gmi" href)
-      [ [:a {:href (str/replace href #"\.gmi$" ".html")}
-                text]]
+        :else
+        [ [:a {:href (:href attrs)}
+                  body]]))
-      :else
-      [ [:a {:href href}
-                text]])))
+(defn not-empty-ps [[type body :as t]]
+  (not
+   (and (= type :p)
+        (= body ""))))
 (defn to-hiccup [doc]
-  (let [l (atom [])]
-    (walk/prewalk
-     (fn [t]
-       (cond
-         (nil? t) nil
+  (->> (gemtext/to-hiccup doc)
+       (filter not-empty-ps)
+       (map maybe-patch-link)))
-         (or (seq? t)
-             (vector? t))
-         (if-not (keyword? (first t))
-           t
-           (let [[type a & _] t
-                 a            (html-escape a)]
-             (swap! l conj
-                    (case type
-                      :verbatim   [:pre [:code a]]
-                      :h1         [:h1 a]
-                      :h2         [:h2 a]
-                      :h3         [:h3 a]
-                      :li         [:ul [:li a]] ;; TODO!
-                      :blockquote [:blockquote a]
-                      :link       (link->html t)
-                      :paragraph  (when (and a (not= a ""))
-                                    [:p a])))
-             nil))))
-     doc)
-    (seq @l)))
-  (unparse (parse "```\nhello there\n```\n"))
-  (unparse (list [:h2 "hello there"] (list (list nil (list nil)))))
-  (unparse (list [:h2 "hello there"]))
-  )
+  (to-hiccup [[:link "" "hello"]])