Commit Diff

commit - 6a6b4a2a98c508d2714eb899c0a23d2087b6e683
commit + c3eb759a7906ba3661eff53a1eb660b768316723
blob - a2143733bdd690847afab60ce72d10c8b5368072
blob + cbb8d83aa181fbe7251eddefa0e5d0c10e1a78b5
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ featureful server.
  - automatic redirect/error pages (see `block return`)
  - IRI support (RFC3987)
  - automatic certificate generation for config-less mode
+ - reverse proxying
  - CGI and FastCGI support
  - virtual hosts
  - location rules
blob - 2a9bc7e34560d5841993647d844205b03f7e52ce
blob + 7d72f0f848c9a136115a3329c4bd07ba1cd64cb7
--- site/index.gmi
+++ site/index.gmi
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 * sandboxed by default on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Linux
 * able to reload the configuration on-the-fly without loosing connections
 * punycode and IRI support
+* reverse proxying
 * CGI and FastCGI support
 * virtual hosts and per-location rules
 * low memory footprint
blob - d1cef8b44d244c58c26533494ed0912756f67bce
blob + b216a5e07a4ab30d183cc145fb704566514f9f5b
--- site/index.html
+++ site/index.html
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
       <li>sandboxed by default on OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Linux</li>
       <li>able to reload the configuration on-the-fly without loosing connections</li>
       <li>punycode and IRI support</li>
+      <li>reverse proxying</li>
       <li>CGI and FastCGI support</li>
       <li>virtual hosts and per-location rules</li>
       <li>low memory footprint</li>