Commit Diff

commit - 14cee92646640af05523eb0bbe30946ab0c9d0d3
commit + c57dc42b31cb45b296cda118aa23bf684ef72298
blob - 95bbd29ce08dcf882f35e66c7be595ad25247cae
blob + 08f62a60e79f3834cf73bbdacab60933dbd436df
--- site/quickstart.gmi
+++ site/quickstart.gmi
@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ gmid will then generate a certificate inside ~/.local/
 ## Setting up a capsule with gmid
-To host a Gemini capsule you need to run gmid in “daemon” mode.
+To host a Gemini capsule you need to run gmid in “daemon” mode, and so a configuration file is needed.  The format of the configuration file is described in the manpage and is quite flexible, but something like the following should be enough to start:
-To run gmid in daemon mode a configuration file is needed.  The format of the configuration file is described in the manpage and is quite flexible, but something like the following should be enough to start:
 ```sample configuration file
 # /etc/gmid.conf
blob - ded73b32f02c8a948c0dae2f0534edd821f994d3
blob + 739e414e1ee54b7ad842ea9f13cb3e936dc3675c
--- site/quickstart.html
+++ site/quickstart.html
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@
       and serve the given directory locally.
     <h2>Setting up a capsule with gmid</h2>
-    <p>To host a Gemini capsule you need to run gmid in “daemon” mode.</p>
-      To run gmid in daemon mode a configuration file is needed.  The
-      format of the configuration file is described in the manpage and
-      is quite flexible, but something like the following should be
-      enough to start:
+      To host a Gemini capsule you need to run gmid in “daemon”
+      mode, and so a configuration file is needed. The format of the
+      configuration file is described in the manpage and is quite
+      flexible, but something like the following should be enough to
+      start:
     <pre># /etc/gmid.conf