Commit Diff

commit - 3a4d48f5d784d87ebee24d5cc840644e7e02a49f
commit + c6e1d4450bc9435606268c689dcf79ff0e070c2d
blob - b35e7688b99cab326be779c6c4570ad7b4d85af7
blob + 3ef144b102d26f816277a1ef303b8b7ce136fb66
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+* amused 0.14; 2024-01-21
+- amused-web: fix typo in error message
+- add a libao audio backend
+- add an audio backend for android (using oboe)
+- add contrib/amused-termux-notification (for android)
+- honour $TMPDIR if set
+- update bundled imsg
+- switched to the new imsg APIs
 * amused 0.13; 2023-09-09
 - few configure enhancements: allow CC, CFLAGS and LDADD_LIB_* as args too
 - fix the compat test for getdtablecount(3)