Commit Diff

commit - d45d5306e3c077eb3c8ecfc4c60e2e427b4cc21d
commit + c6fb44edd807741f88e75b4d0e0091a632595643
blob - 9309c370cd701084ea3bf9a1843f65a3fc01f848
blob + fbc5cf42b6652790b59cb612bfc6ec1e916f1e54
--- site/index.gmi
+++ site/index.gmi
@@ -26,19 +26,15 @@ Some distros provide a package — thanks to the maint
 => REPOLOGY	Repology: packaging status for gmid
-Source code and precompiled binaries for linux are available:
+Otherwise, compile it from source: it’s easy and takes less than a minute on a raspberry pi 3
 => GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/gmid-VERS.tar.gz	gmid-VERS.tar.gz
-=> GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/gmid-VERS.tar.bz2	gmid-VERS.tar.bz2
 =>		git repository
-=> gemini://		git repository via Gemini
 => GITHUB					GitHub mirror
-=> GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/gmid.linux.amd64	gmid.linux.amd64
+The dependencies are:
-When in doubt, compile from source: it’s easy and takes less than a minute on a raspberry pi 3.  The dependencies are:
 * libevent
 * OpenSSL/LibreSSL
 * libtls (from either LibreSSL or LibreTLS)
@@ -65,10 +61,7 @@ To verify the signatures with signify(1)
 ```Example of how to verify the signature with signify
 % signify -C -p -x SHA256.sig
 Signature Verified
-gg.linux.amd64: OK
-gmid-1.8.2-binaries.tar.gz: OK
 gmid-1.8.2.tar.gz: OK OK OK
-gmid.linux.amd64: OK