Commit Diff

commit - ee89c9f13862af202295b29031eb7cb52a102e88
commit + c992a1e9b1b3f12475053356a5e9e2f0381211f3
blob - eb099a81d3d91d86457e11ad8d302f809ac5f4f7
blob + 3f3457fa3dc0ba04d7c75cc02170f341bbacd996
--- plass
+++ plass
@@ -31,16 +31,9 @@ my $got = $ENV{'PLASS_GOT'} // 'got';
 my $gpg = $ENV{'PLASS_GPG'} // 'gpg';
 my @gpg_flags = qw(--quiet --compress-algo=none --no-encrypt-to --use-agent);
-my $default_chars = $ENV{'PLASS_CHARS'} // '!-~';
-my $default_length = $ENV{'PLASS_LENGTH'};
-if (!defined($default_length) || $default_length <= 0) {
-	$default_length = 32;
 my %subcmd = (
 	cat	=> [\&cmd_cat,		"entries..."],
 	find	=> [\&cmd_find,		"[pattern]"],
-	gen	=> [\&cmd_gen,		"[-nq] [-c chars] [-l length] entry"],
 	mv	=> [\&cmd_mv,		"from to"],
 	rm	=> [\&cmd_rm,		"entries..."],
 	tee	=> [\&cmd_tee,		"[-q] entry"],
@@ -79,26 +72,6 @@ sub name2file {
 	return $f;
-# tr -cd -- $chars < /dev/urandom | dd bs=$len count=1 status=none
-sub gen {
-	my ($chars, $length) = @_;
-	my $pass = "";
-	open(my $fh, '<:raw', '/dev/urandom')
-	    or die "can't open /dev/urandom: $!";
-	my $l = $length;
-	while ($l >= 0) {
-		read($fh, my $t, $length * 4)
-		    or die "failed to read /dev/urandom: $!";
-		$t =~ s/[^$chars]//g;
-		$l -= length($t);
-		$pass .= $t;
-	}
-	close($fh);
-	return substr($pass, 0, $length);
 sub mkdirs {
 	my $dir = shift;
 	my $parent = dirname $dir;
@@ -214,38 +187,6 @@ sub cmd_find {
 	map { say $_ } passfind(shift @ARGV);
-sub cmd_gen {
-	my $chars = $default_chars;
-	my $length = $default_length;
-	my $nop;
-	my $q;
-	GetOptions(
-		'c=s' => sub { $chars = $_[1] },
-		'h|?' => \&usage,
-		'l=i' => sub { $length = $_[1] },
-		'n'   => \$nop,
-		'q'   => \$q,
-	    ) or usage;
-	my $pass = gen($chars, $length) . "\n";
-	if ($nop) {
-		say $pass;
-		return;
-	}
-	usage if @ARGV != 1;
-	my $name = shift @ARGV;
-	my $file = name2file $name;
-	my $renamed = -f $file;
-	writepass($file, $pass);
-	got_add $file;
-	got_ci($renamed ? "update $name" : "+$name");
-	say $pass unless $q;
 # TODO: handle moving directories?
 sub cmd_mv {
 	GetOptions('h|?' => \&usage) or usage;
blob - a03ee671274d85976574254d923ccb99acb465b6
blob + 7d082e280d93dd2cc7c3288bcada4baa9b8a8e87
--- plass.1
+++ plass.1
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ A password store is a
 .Xr got 1
 repository with a worktree checked out at
 .Pa ~/.password-store
-.Pq or Ev PLASS_STORE .
 The only restriction is that a special file called
 .Pa .gpg-id
 containing the GPG recipient must exist in the root of the directory tree
@@ -64,27 +63,6 @@ in the given order.
 .It Cm find Op Ar pattern
 Print the entries of the store one per line, optionally filtered by
 .Ar pattern .
-.It Cm gen Oo Fl nq Oc Oo Fl c Ar chars Oc Oo Fl l Ar length Oc Ar entry
-Generate and persist a password for the given
-.Ar entry
-in the store.
-.Fl c
-can be used to control the characters allowed in the password
-(by default
-.Dq !-~
-i.e. all the printable ASCII characters)
-.Fl l
-the length
-.Pq 32 by default .
-Unless the
-.Fl q
-flag is provided, print the generated password.
-If the
-.Fl n
-flag is given the password won't be persisted and the
-.Ar entry
-argument is optional.
 .It Cm mv Ar from Ar to
 Rename a password entry, doesn't work with directories.
 .Ar from
@@ -104,8 +82,6 @@ option is given.
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
-default range of characters to use to generate passwords.
 Path to the
 .Xr got 1
@@ -114,10 +90,8 @@ executable.
 Path to the
 .Xr gpg 1
-Default length for the generated passwords.
-Path to the password store directory tree.
+Alternative path to the password store directory tree.
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
@@ -149,9 +123,9 @@ delete
 and check out it again using
 .Xr got 1 .
-To generate a temporary random password use
+Generate a random password and save it to the clipboard:
 .Bd -literal -offset indent
-$ plass gen -n
+$ pwg | plass tee entry/name | xsel -b
 Display the entries matching
@@ -163,7 +137,8 @@ $ plass find key | rs
 .Xr got 1 ,
 .Xr gpg 1 ,
-.Xr pass 1
+.Xr pass 1 ,
+.Xr pwg 1
 was heavily influenced by