Commit Diff

commit - 441c3bcdcc1b984c1f0edfb3c74a441573dd3d88
commit + ce07a90dc563f88e847ac3aae9de323b3d7255f7
blob - e5628966368b1b9755ef2c6480b4a06e90c167b7
blob + 565f9f5c5edd9032cb818be4c0d324d75f4dc32c
--- src/blog/gemini.clj
+++ src/blog/gemini.clj
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     (for [post posts]
       (let [{:keys [title date slug]} post
             url (str "gemini://" slug ".gmi")]
-        [:link url (str (time/fmt-iso8601 date) " " title)])))))
+        [:link url (str (time/fmt-iso8601 date) " - " title)])))))
 (defn with-page [_ & body]
blob - 428495b3be602bd744157d2438495a5cf5635bf7
blob + 772af3406fdef144c89b7d026a295c059a735a4e
--- src/blog/time.clj
+++ src/blog/time.clj
@@ -23,10 +23,7 @@
          " 00:00:00 GMT")))
 (defn fmt-iso8601 [d]
-  ;; quoted to indicate UTC, not TZ offset. Also, HH:mm is 00:00
-  ;; because i'm parsing the raw date as LocalDate and not datetime,
-  ;; so there isn't the info about the hour and the minute.
-  (let [pattern (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'00:00'Z'")]
+  (let [pattern (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy-MM-dd")]
     (.format d pattern)))
 (defn parse [s]