Commit Diff

commit - f3a795ae57f8f568711b31d977aa777ee34f1187
commit + d117f635d0dcd983348a311c3655cf0ebf63cdda
blob - 89d900c5b16bedc948e959ca8aced4de8868803e
blob + 6f7512eb24bb30d2a44c9cc247968b303ea26ed5
--- resources/pages/gmid.gmi
+++ resources/pages/gmid.gmi
@@ -6,27 +6,31 @@ gmid is a fast, small, and secure Gemini server.  It u
 =>	GitHub mirror
 You can fetch the code with git:
-$ git clone
+> git clone
 or via the github mirror:
-$ git clone
+> git clone
+The manpage is available at
+=> /cgi/man/1/gmid gmid(1)
 ## Features
 (random order)
-* reconfiguration: reload the running configuration without interruption
+* reconfiguration: reload the running configuration without
+* interruption
 * sandboxed by default on OpenBSD, Linux and FreeBSD
+* automatic redirect/error pages (see `block return`)
 * IRI support (RFC3987)
 * punycode support
 * dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6)
 * automatic certificate generation for config-less mode
 * CGI scripts
-* (very) low memory footprint
+* low memory footprint
 * event-based asynchronous I/O model
 * small codebase, easily hackable
 * virtual hosts