Commit Diff

commit - 4ce98dba8a372119d7219a155a26a467fd814378
commit + d5c213d182a0ba7ad270329db4a6f05332ad05bf
blob - /dev/null
blob + 46ef03206748b4f809f1b84a5c46db4a8a06981a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/blog/http.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(ns blog.http
+  (:require
+   [blog.time :as time]
+   [blog.gemtext :as gemtext]
+   [ :refer [html5 include-css]]
+   [commonmark-hiccup.core :refer [markdown->hiccup default-config]]))
+(defn link-item [{:keys [url text]}]
+  [:li [:a {:href url} text]])
+(defn header [{:keys [tags]}]
+  (list
+   [:header
+    [:nav
+     [:ul
+      (link-item {:url "/", :text "Home"})
+      (link-item {:url "/tags.html", :text "All Tags"})
+      (link-item {:url "gemini://" :text "gemini://"})
+      (link-item {:url "", :text "Git repos"})]]
+    [:div
+     [:h1 [:a {:href "/"} "yumh"]]
+     [:p "writing about things, sometimes."]]]))
+(defn with-page
+  [{:keys [title class description], :as d} & body]
+  (html5 {:lang "en"}
+   [:head
+    [:meta {:charset "utf8"}]
+    [:meta {:name "viewport", :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}]
+    [:link {:rel "shortcut icon", :href "/favicon.ico"}]
+    [:link {:rel "alternative" :type "application/rss+xml" :href ""}]
+    (when description
+      [:meta {:name "description" :content description}])
+    [:title title]
+    (include-css "/css/style.css")]
+   [:body {:class (or class "")}
+    (header d)
+    [:main body]
+    [:footer
+     [:p "Blog proudly generated with "
+      [:a {:href ""}
+       [:code "(clojure)"]]]]
+    [:noscript
+     [:img {:src ""}]]
+    [:script "
+;(function () {
+  if ( !== '')
+    window.goatcounter = {no_onload: true}
+    [:script {:data-goatcounter ""
+              :async true
+              :src "//"}]]))
+(defn post-fragment
+  [{:keys [full? title-with-link?]}
+   {:keys [title date slug tags short body toot music xkcd gemtext?], :as post}]
+  [:article
+   [:header
+    [(if full?
+       :h1
+       :h2.fragment)
+     (if title-with-link?
+       [:a {:href (str "/post/" slug ".html")} title]
+       title)]
+    [ "Written by " [:em "Omar Polo"] " on " (time/fmt-loc date)
+     (list
+      (when music
+        (list " while listening to " [:a {:href   (:url music)
+                                          :target "_blank"
+                                          :rel    "noopener"}
+                                      "“" [:em (:title music)] "”"
+                                      (when-let [by (:by music)]
+                                        (list " by " [:em by]))]))
+      ".")]
+    [:ul.tags (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")}
+                                 (str "#" (name %))])
+                   tags)]
+    (when xkcd
+      [:p [:a {:href (str "" xkcd)
+               :target "_blank"
+               :rel "noopener"}
+           "Related XKCD"]])
+    (when toot
+      [:p [:a {:href   toot,
+               :target "_blank"
+               :rel    "noopener"} "Comments over ActivityPub"]])]
+   [:section
+    (if full?
+      (if gemtext?
+        (-> body gemtext/parse gemtext/to-hiccup)
+        (markdown->hiccup default-config body))
+      [:p short])]])
+(defn home-page
+  [{:keys [posts has-next has-prev nth]}]
+  (with-page {:title "Home"}
+    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
+         posts)
+    [
+     (if has-prev
+       [:a.prev {:href (str "/" (if (= (dec nth) 1)
+                                  "index"
+                                  (dec nth)) ".html")}
+        "« Newer Posts"])
+     (if has-next
+       [ {:href (str "/" (inc nth) ".html")}
+        "Older Posts »"])]))
+(defn post-page
+  [{:keys [title short], :as post}]
+  (with-page {:title title
+              :class "article"
+              :description short}
+    (post-fragment {:full? true}
+                   post)))
+(defn tags-page
+  [tags]
+  (with-page {:title "All tags"
+              :class "tags"}
+    [:h2 "All tags"]
+    [:nav
+     [:ul
+      (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")} (str "#" (name %))])
+           (sort (fn [a b]
+                   (compare (.toLowerCase (name a))
+                            (.toLowerCase (name b)))) tags))]]))
+(defn tag-page
+  [tag posts]
+  (with-page {:title (str "Posts tagged with #" tag)
+              :class "tag"}
+    [:h2 "Posts tagged with " [:code "#" tag]]
+    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
+         (->> posts
+              (sort-by :date)
+              (reverse)))))
blob - 048fd5c7a2a20581f3df0d59a7b134a61d0c45b1 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- src/blog/templates.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-(ns blog.templates
-  (:require [blog.time :as time]
-            [ :refer [html5 include-css]]
-            [commonmark-hiccup.core :refer [markdown->hiccup default-config]]))
-(defn link-item [{:keys [url text]}]
-  [:li [:a {:href url} text]])
-(defn header [{:keys [tags]}]
-  (list
-   [:header
-    [:nav
-     [:ul
-      (link-item {:url "/", :text "Home"})
-      (link-item {:url "/tags.html", :text "All Tags"})
-      (link-item {:url "", :text "Git repos"})]]
-    [:div
-     [:h1 [:a {:href "/"} "yumh"]]
-     [:p "writing about things, sometimes."]]]))
-(defn with-page
-  [{:keys [title class description], :as d} & body]
-  (html5 {:lang "en"}
-   [:head
-    [:meta {:charset "utf8"}]
-    [:meta {:name "viewport", :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}]
-    [:link {:rel "shortcut icon", :href "/favicon.ico"}]
-    [:link {:rel "alternative" :type "application/rss+xml" :href ""}]
-    (when description
-      [:meta {:name "description" :content description}])
-    [:title title]
-    (include-css "/css/style.css")]
-   [:body {:class (or class "")}
-    (header d)
-    [:main body]
-    [:footer
-     [:p "Blog proudly generated with "
-      [:a {:href ""}
-       [:code "(clojure)"]]]]
-    [:noscript
-     [:img {:src ""}]]
-    [:script "
-;(function () {
-  if ( !== '')
-    window.goatcounter = {no_onload: true}
-    [:script {:data-goatcounter ""
-              :async true
-              :src "//"}]]))
-(defn post-fragment
-  [{:keys [full? title-with-link?]}
-   {:keys [title date slug tags short body toot music xkcd], :as post}]
-  [:article
-   [:header
-    [(if full?
-       :h1
-       :h2.fragment)
-     (if title-with-link?
-       [:a {:href (str "/post/" slug ".html")} title]
-       title)]
-    [ "Written by " [:em "Omar Polo"] " on " (time/fmt-loc date)
-     (list
-      (when music
-        (list " while listening to " [:a {:href   (:url music)
-                                          :target "_blank"
-                                          :rel    "noopener"}
-                                      "“" [:em (:title music)] "”"
-                                      (when-let [by (:by music)]
-                                        (list " by " [:em by]))]))
-      ".")]
-    [:ul.tags (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")}
-                                 (str "#" (name %))])
-                   tags)]
-    (when xkcd
-      [:p [:a {:href (str "" xkcd)
-               :target "_blank"
-               :rel "noopener"}
-           "Related XKCD"]])
-    (when toot
-      [:p [:a {:href   toot,
-               :target "_blank"
-               :rel    "noopener"} "Comments over ActivityPub"]])]
-   [:section
-    (if full?
-      (markdown->hiccup default-config body)
-      [:p short])]])
-(defn home-page
-  [{:keys [posts has-next has-prev nth]}]
-  (with-page {:title "Home"}
-    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
-         posts)
-    [
-     (if has-prev
-       [:a.prev {:href (str "/" (if (= (dec nth) 1)
-                                  "index"
-                                  (dec nth)) ".html")}
-        "« Newer Posts"])
-     (if has-next
-       [ {:href (str "/" (inc nth) ".html")}
-        "Older Posts »"])]))
-(defn post-page
-  [{:keys [title short], :as post}]
-  (with-page {:title title
-              :class "article"
-              :description short}
-    (post-fragment {:full? true}
-                   post)))
-(defn tags-page
-  [tags]
-  (with-page {:title "All tags"
-              :class "tags"}
-    [:h2 "All tags"]
-    [:nav
-     [:ul
-      (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")} (str "#" (name %))])
-           (sort (fn [a b]
-                   (compare (.toLowerCase (name a))
-                            (.toLowerCase (name b)))) tags))]]))
-(defn tag-page
-  [tag posts]
-  (with-page {:title (str "Posts tagged with #" tag)
-              :class "tag"}
-    [:h2 "Posts tagged with " [:code "#" tag]]
-    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
-         (->> posts
-              (sort-by :date)
-              (reverse)))))