Commit Diff

commit - 3b0eff06ff6cbf68ec1dab7a3c93154bdb64561b
commit + dbbfd0fb9fc9eb6541d54470691033aaf941f500
blob - 074bc3ff74313c623bcbeded58af0f771ad6e82c
blob + 0b06cd73790c2dfde20c0b563adf765afa66367e
@@ -122,19 +122,12 @@ working as intended.
 ### Docker
-If you have trouble installing LibreSSL or libretls, you can use
-Docker to build a `gmid` image with:
+If you have trouble installing LibreSSL or libretls, in `contrib`
+there's a sample Dockerfile.  See [the contrib page][contrib-page] for
+more information.
-    docker build -t gmid .
-and then run it with something along the lines of
-    docker run --rm -it -p 1965:1965 \
-        -v /path/to/gmid.conf:/etc/gmid.conf:ro \
-        -v /path/to/docs:/var/gemini \
-        gmid /bin/gmid -c /etc/gmid.conf
 ### Local libretls
 This is **NOT** recommended, please try to port LibreSSL/LibreTLS to