Commit Diff

commit - 1eebc18650e0ce71b6a651ca42b95c3fadd26ad8
commit + dd2c34bab4b58ba3df8c0d964be7a5aca2329858
blob - 66442e9eb1a0cb5112d39a09a983ee16362abb99
blob + 86591d5803be25e120d0c8c32c242c529e8a833c
--- pages.c
+++ pages.c
@@ -73,13 +73,18 @@ const char *about_help =
 	"### Appearance\n"
-	"Telescope is fully customizable.  If your terminal emulator"
-	" doesn't have problems with UTF-8 glyphs, try to load"
-	" Telescope with the following configuration:\n"
+	"Telescope is fully customizable.  The default configuration file is\n"
-	"``` Example of configuration file with some pretty defaults\n"
-	"# ~/.telescope/config\n"
+	"> ~/.telescope/config\n"
+	"Try to enable `olivetti-mode' with `M-x olivetti-mode RET' or with:\n"
+	"> set olivetti-mode = 1\n"
+	"in your config file.\n"
+	"\n"
+	"If your terminal emulator doesn't have problems with UTF-8 glyphs,"
+	" try to load Telescope with the following configuration:\n"
+	"\n"
+	"``` Example of configuration file with some pretty defaults\n"
 	"# break paragraphs at most at the 72th column\n"
 	"set fill-column = 72\n"