Commit Diff

commit - 61461d5bd037d9a2b9570aef80797bfe54359d4a
commit + dd30c95b6b8e6da2d2a558eb505d68a1580342de
blob - e2a476343f3cfb0f2b293274c001f3a3b233ab3e
blob + a25dfc9493ecc05139e80ed74bda672dcf7d0346
--- lstun.1
+++ lstun.1
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ will run in the foregound and log to
 Number of seconds after the last client shutdown to kill the ssh
 Set to zero to keep the tunnel open indefinitely.
-Defaults to 120.
+Defaults to 600
+.Pq ten minutes .
 .It Fl v
 Produce more verbose output.
blob - 3e5bef6f59908b36b19d499cc7b3c3c905357664
blob + 89913306ab16843115280db969e2c9aa1b0f247e
--- lstun.c
+++ lstun.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct event	 sigtermev;
 struct event	 sigchldev;
 struct event	 siginfoev;
-struct timeval	 timeout = {120, 0};
+struct timeval	 timeout = {600, 0}; /* 10 minutes */
 struct event	 timeoutev;
 pid_t		 ssh_pid = -1;