Commit Diff

commit - /dev/null
commit + ddc03123beabb8cb6a06e90c1196d1f170cd309c
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blob + 4c1bcdb20ce64f9c54585b5c08a1e25808f2b25e (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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blob + c20dbcd971d7ccfbba6def2611e03501ffaec7c4 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ build.boot
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ :resource-paths #{"src" "resources"}
+ :dependencies '[[hiccup "1.0.5"]
+                 [ring "1.8.0"]
+                 [commonmark-hiccup "0.1.0"]])
+ pom {:project 'blog
+      :version "0.1.0"})
+(require '[blog.core :refer :all])
blob - /dev/null
blob + d3db89a884777aff35a97c9f8351689076b2fe99 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/css/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
+a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
+del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
+small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
+b, u, i, center,
+dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
+fieldset, form, label, legend,
+table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
+article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
+figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
+menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
+time, mark, audio, video {
+  margin: 0;
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+  font-size: 200%;
+/* a cool hack stolen from */
+h1::after {
+  /* should be long enough */
+  content: '=================================================================';
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+  white-space: nowrap;
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+  font-size: 100%;
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+  content: "## ";
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+  content: "### ";
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+  content: "#### ";
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+  content: "##### ";
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+  content: "###### ";
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+  content: 'tagged with: ';
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+/* other bit stolen from */
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+  font-style: normal;
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+  content: '';
+  content: none;
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+  margin-top: 50px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+ {
+  margin-left: auto;
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+  border-top: 1px solid #e6e0e0;
+  margin-top: 100px;
+  padding-top: 10px;
+  font-style: italic;
+  text-align: center;
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blob + 650afbb15a17a0d819900b8cb7a7e53b69eb43c7 (mode 644)
Binary files /dev/null and resources/favicon.ico differ
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blob + d0ee5bbef857e58bc173363dc6f80a689241b732 (mode 644)
Binary files /dev/null and resources/img/unbound-dashboard.png differ
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blob + 9ff575e190d7b94f42b35c3ab037f8b19f0eb291 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Sometimes you use a tool for years and still have something new to
+learn. I'm talking about `vi(1)`, not vim or nvim, but nvi! (the
+OpenBSD ones at least.)
+While I was reading [NetBSD desktop pt.6 "vi(1) editor, tmux and
+I knew vim end emacs had abbreviations, but I never thought that vi
+has them too.
+Now my `~/.nexrc` is more rich:
+	ab #d #define
+	ab #i #include
blob - /dev/null
blob + 4b6bd864ce2597598ba6952c77c100302a717e31 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Let's say you're debugging something on linux. Let's say that thing
+crashed. What do you do? I will open gdb, load the executable and the
+core file and try to figure it out why the thing crashed.
+Well, it's exactly what happened. But there was no core file for
+me. Poor me.
+The defaults on OpenBSD, if I recall correctly, are to generate a core
+file named `$prgname.core` in the directory where the program was
+running before the crash. Also, but mind that I might be wrong, the
+default ulimit settings is `unlimited` for the core files.
+So, here's a quick description on *how to get that cores* on linux,
+primarly aimed at myself:
+#### ulimit
+A `ulimit -c unlimited` is needed since the default may be 0.  This can
+cause big core dumps in the `$HOME` if something like firefox or chrome
+chrashes, but I prefer to have it in `.profile` than to have to remember
+to execute the command.
+#### pattern
+On systems with systemd there should be a systemd-*somethingsomething*
+daemon and *somethingsomething*-ctl to manage 'em.  I prefer have those
+cores in the directory I'm in.  Bonus points if they are called like
+I'm used.
+```echo %e.core | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern```
+`%e` is replaced with the program name.
+However, on my machine, the core files are called `$prgname.core.$pid`. To disable the `.pid` at the end
+```echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid```
+And that's all!
\ No newline at end of file
blob - /dev/null
blob + 130779350554c45707c8b1f4b9daccf96c6b9069 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+The first version of this website had a theme switcher. It was
+implemented with CSS variables (and a bit of javascript). Then the
+javascript switcher was eventually removed, and the theme forced to be
+dark, but I kept the CSS variables *just in case* (read: I'm lazy.)
+*Edit*: this is no longer the case. The current version of the website
+is *yet another one*, with a 100% rewritten (and pure) CSS.
+The real reason I left the CSS variables was that I didn't wanted to
+use a CSS preprocessor (such as `less` or `sass`) to manage such a
+simple file (306 line, with blanks and comments). But, at the same
+time, I didn't want to copy-paste the colors everywhere.
+## Introducing the C preprocessor
+The C preprocessor is a simple and well-known beast (sort of, at
+least), and it's included in the base system installation of most
+(pratically all, I presume) OSes.
+If you have never used it, here's a quick howto.
+You can define constants with
+#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169
+and use them whenever you like, for instance
+double p = PI / 4;
+The preprocessor is more powerful, it supports `#include`s and
+function-like macro (even variadic). But `#define`s are enough to
+manage a couple of CSS variables.
+Now, let's see how this applies to CSS. Given a file with the
+following content
+	#define BASE1 #221635
+	body {
+	    background-color: BASE1;
+	}
+we can *compile* it with
+	$ cpp -P file.css > a.css
+and obtain a valid CSS file `a.css`.
+## Conclusions
+It's weird. It's weird to invoke `cpp` to *build* a CSS files.
+But it's also *satisfying*, in some sense.
+As a conclusion, I would like to note that another option is to use
+m4, a general purpose macro language that should be present on every
+POSIX system. Unfortunately, I don't know the language very well, so I
+opted to `cpp`.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 491dad90e822db97e65d069277237e88142f8fc0 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+CSS sprites are a nice idea, stolen from the game developers I think,
+that consist to merge all the images you need in a single one and
+download only that. I will not prove that it's best than downloading
+*n* images, but it should clear that downloading a file, albeit a bit
+bigger, requires less TCP segments going back and forth.
+The other day I needed a CSS sprite. Being the lazy person I am, right
+after The GIMP was open I thought that I didn't want to do the math.
+After a bit of searching, I found a post where the author wrote a
+script to generate the sprites (and the relative css file) with image
+magick. I have lost that link, and the history of my browser doesn't
+help. I remember that the domain name contains "php", but nothing
+more. However, I rewritten the script, so it better fits my needs.
+The idea is to join all the image using `convert(1)` and then generate
+a CSS file with the offsets using `identify(1)`. Both programs should
+come along with imagemagick.
+Here's the script
+	#!/bin/sh
+	convert sprites/* -append img/sprites.png
+	for i in sprites/*; do
+		identify -format '%W %H %f\n' $i
+	done | awk '
+	function fname(path) {
+		sub (".png", "", path)
+		return path
+	}
+		y = 0
+		print "%sprite-base {"
+		print "	background-image: url(/img/sprites.png);"
+		print "	background-repeat: no-repeat;"
+		print "}"
+		print ""
+	}
+	{
+		width = $1
+		height = $2
+		class = fname($3)
+		print "%sprite-" class " {"
+		print "	@extend %sprite-base;"
+		if (y == 0)
+			print "	background-position: 0 0;"
+		else
+			print "	background-position: 0 -" y "px;"
+		print "}"
+		print ""
+		y += height;
+	}
+	' > scss/_sprites.scss
+Assuming that the images are within `sprites/` and all of them are png
+files, this script will generate the sprite in `img/sprites.png` and a
+SASS file in `sass/_sprits.scss` with one placeholder for every image
+(the naming scheme is `%sprite-$NAMEFILE` with the `$NAMEFILE` being
+the file name without extension).
+It should be trivial to edit to handle pure CSS output, and eventually
+other image formats.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 9ff575e190d7b94f42b35c3ab037f8b19f0eb291 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Sometimes you use a tool for years and still have something new to
+learn. I'm talking about `vi(1)`, not vim or nvim, but nvi! (the
+OpenBSD ones at least.)
+While I was reading [NetBSD desktop pt.6 "vi(1) editor, tmux and
+I knew vim end emacs had abbreviations, but I never thought that vi
+has them too.
+Now my `~/.nexrc` is more rich:
+	ab #d #define
+	ab #i #include
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1d266c2d9083fe473982d238f40759cd8b078e15 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+[F*]( is a *general purpose functional
+programming language with effects aimed at program verification.*
+Recently I've been playing a bit with it, it's nice, and here's a
+quick guide on how to compile it on OpenBSD.
+*Edit*: This "guide" is partially incomplete. Doing some re-install
+after this guide was published, I noticed that not everything is as I
+wrote it here. Things change, I suppose. Some problems have been
+fixed, but not everything. In particular `ocamlfind` will complain
+(probably multiple times) during the build that it cannot find the
+`XXX` package, and a simple `opam install XXX` will amend.
+We'll need both `git` and GNU `make` from ports, and also ocaml (to
+build F* and run F* programs), opam (the ocaml package manager),
+ocaml-camlp4 and python 3 (to build `z3`, a theorem prover).
+	$ pkg_add git gmake ocaml ocaml-camlp4 opam python
+*Note* I've installed camlp4 from the ports instead of through opam
+because I was getting an error. I don't have much experience with
+ocaml, but I've read *somewhere* that installing through the package
+manager solved those problems.
+## Building z3
+z3 is the engine that powers the verification system of F*
+(AFAIK). It's not available through ports, so we'll need to build from
+source. Even though is a project that came from Microsoft, it seems to
+run on OpenBSD just fine. Building it is also straightforward:
+	$ git clone
+	$ cd z3
+	$ CXX=clang++ python3 script/
+	$ cd build
+	$ make
+	$ cp z3 $SOMEWHERE_IN_PATH # (maybe?)
+*Note* by default `script/` will try to use base g++ and the
+build will fail. The version of g++ is too ancient and doesn't support
+## Building F*
+First of all, we need some ocaml dependencies, so make sure to
+initialize opam (see `opam init`) and add the suggested stuff to your
+shell init file.
+	$ opam install ocamlfind batteries stdint zarith ppx_deriving ppx_deriving_yojson ocaml-migrate-parsetree process
+We can now build the F* compiler from the ocaml output present in the
+repo. You can also build the ocaml output by yourself, but I've skip
+this step.
+	$ gmake -j9 -C src/ocaml-output
+The last step is to build the library. While the docs describes this
+as an optional step, I wasn't able to compile F* programs without it.
+	$ gmake -j9 -C ulib/ml
+This was all. Let's try the hello world now!
+	$ gmake -C examples/hello hello
+It should take a decent amount of time to compile, output a *lot* of
+text and, finally, at the end, a beautiful "Hello World".
+Congrats, now you have a working F* installation!
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blob + b411b93dc2b288fea39ed9fafcda829024062239 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Mutt is, by far, my favourite mail client. It's small, configurable,
+fast and it does not get in your way. It's a great tool.
+My setup involves various maildir: I have a decent amount of filters
+that I use to order the mail in different directories.
+One thing that I've found annoying is switching maildir: opening ones
+with ~3k mail takes too much time, at least on my machine. Now I think
+that using the `threads` sorting was the culprit, but it's only a
+Anyway, while I was searching the manpage for a totally different
+issue, I've found the `header_cache` settings. Quoting the manpage:
+> This variable points to the header cache database. [...] By default
+> it is *unset* so no header caching will be used.
+> Header caching can greatly improves speed when opening POP, IMAP HM
+> or Maildir folders, see "caching" for details.
+There are also other relating settings, like `header_cache_compress`
+that may be interestig.
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blob + 9aa2763075e4865de58066a111fe5ed03c8d677d (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+I have a tiny i686 at home with OpenBSD where I run, amongst some other
+things, an instance of unbound.
+Last night I decided that I wanted a dashboard to collect some statistics
+about it.
+My first thought was the ELK stack.  The only problem is the ram.
+The little i686 has 1GB of ram, I don't know if it's enough to run
+logstash, let alone the whole ELK.
+A simple solution would be to collect the logs elsewhere, but I'm not
+going to do this for various reason (lazyness being the first, followed
+by the fact that having statistics about my dns queries isn't that
+useful in my opinion, even if it's nice-to-have.)
+Instead, my solution involves a bit of bash (don't hate me on this),
+some fifos, tmux and ttyplot.
+The primarly source of inspiration is [this
+post]( that I red
+some time ago: it's about plotting various system statistics with ttyplot.
+The result is this
+![unbound dashboard screenshot](/img/unbound-dashboard.png)
+(note that I usually disable colors in xterm)
+## The flow
+	                    .-
+	                   /     various   ------->     multiple
+	unbound stats  -------    fifos    ------->      ttyplot
+	                   \               ------->   per tmux pane
+	                    `-
+The idea is to run `unbound-control stats` every once in a while,
+multiplexing its output and draw each (interesting) stats with ttyplot
+in a tmux pane.
+Why the fifos?  Well, if I'm not wrong, every time you call
+`unbound-control stats` it will clear the statistics, so you can't run
+it *n* times to collect *n* different stats.  And since the whole setup
+requires only a couple of script, the easiest way was to use some fifos.
+The whole setup requires three script:
+ - ``
+ - ``
+ - ``
+### ``
+This is the startup script.  I run it on my crontab as `@reboot
+/path/to/`.  It will create the required fifos, then
+spawn a tmux session and create two windows and some panes.
+# create the fifos
+for f in netstat queries hit miss time; do
+        mkfifo /tmp/my-$f
+tmux new-session -d -s $session
+# start
+tmux new-window -t $session:1 -n 'logs'
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/" C-m
+# create the dashboard
+tmux select-window -t $session:0
+# setup the layout of the panes
+tmux split-window -h
+tmux select-pane -L
+tmux split-window -v
+tmux select-pane -R
+tmux split-window -v -p 66
+tmux split-window -v -p 50
+# load the correct ttyplot in the panes
+tmux select-pane -t 0
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/ netstat" C-m
+tmux select-pane -t 1
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/ queries" C-m
+tmux select-pane -t 2
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/ hit" C-m
+tmux select-pane -t 3
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/ miss" C-m
+tmux select-pane -t 4
+tmux send-keys "/path/to/ time" C-m
+(A possible improvement may be to tell tmux which command to run when
+creating a pane instead of sending the keys to the shell, but it works
+There's nothing special about this script, so let's move to the next.
+### ``
+This script also isn't interesting, all it does is pull the data out of
+the correct fifo and start ttyplot with the correct labels and units.
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+        echo "missing dashboard type"
+        echo "usage: $0 <dashboard-name>"
+        exit 0
+case "$1" in
+        netstat)
+                (while :; do
+                        cat /tmp/my-netstat
+                done) | ttyplot -t "IN Bandwidth in KB/s" \
+                                -u "KB/s" -c "#"
+                ;;
+        queries)
+                (while :; do
+                        cat /tmp/my-queries
+                done) | ttyplot -t "DNS Queries/5s" \
+                                -u "q/5s" -c "#"
+                ;;
+        hit)
+                (while :; do
+                        cat /tmp/my-hit
+                done) | ttyplot -t "DNS cache hit/5s" \
+                                -u "ch/5s" -c "#"
+                ;;
+        miss)
+                (while :; do
+                        cat /tmp/my-miss
+                done) | ttyplot -t "DNS cache miss/5s" \
+                                -u "cm/5s" -c "#"
+                ;;
+        time)
+                (while :; do
+                        cat /tmp/my-time
+                done) | ttyplot -t "DNS query time avg/5s" \
+                                -c "#"
+                ;;
+        *)
+                printf "%s\n" "$1 is not a valid dashboard"
+                exit 1
+                ;;
+### ``
+This is the (only?) interesting script.  It's also the only one that
+requires bash, because I'm lazy, it was already installed as dependecy of
+something, and because of the `>(cmd)` construct.  Rewriting the script
+using only pure sh(1) constructs is left as an exercise to the reader
+(hint: you need some extra fifo.)
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+filter() {
+        grep "$1" | awk -F= '{print $2}' > /tmp/my-$2
+# unbound stats
+( while :; do
+        unbound-control stats                           \
+        | grep -v thread0                               \
+        | tee >(filter queries= queries)                \
+        | tee >(filter hit hit)                         \
+        | tee >(filter miss miss)                       \
+        | filter time.avg time
+        sleep 5
+done ) &
+# netstat - ty solene@ for the awk
+        (while :; do
+                netstat -ibn
+                sleep 1
+        done) | awk '
+        BEGIN {
+                old=-1
+        }
+        /^em0/ { 
+                if(!index($4,":") && old>=0) {
+                        print ($5-old)/1024
+                        fflush
+                        old = $5
+                }
+                if(old==-1) {
+                        old = $5
+                }
+        }' | tee -a /tmp/my-netstat
+) &
+The first piece collects the stat from unbound.  Let's break it in pieces.
+ - `unbound-control stats` outputs the stats.  Keep in mind that this
+ requires some privileges.  I've solved this by creating a script
+ in /usr/local/bin that executes the command and allowed my user to
+ launch that script via `doas(1)`.  Or you can run `` as root.
+ Do as you please.
+ - `grep -v thread0` removes the per-thread stats (since my unbound
+ uses only one thread).  A more solid approach like `egrep -v ^thread`
+ is probably better.
+ - `tee >(filter queries= queries) |` duplicates the stream: one copy
+ goes to the subshell with `filter` and another copy goes on the pipes.
+ - `filter` is just a small function to grep the desired entry and send
+ it to `/tmp/my-$something`
+The netstat bit filters the output of netstat (the awk is copied-pasted
+from the previously linked post by solene@).  You may want to change the
+`^em0` to match your network device.
+And that's all!
+## Possible improvements
+ - if you `SIGINT` `` some of its subprocess still run.  Maybe a
+ `trap` is needed.  Since it is the only bash running on that system,
+ `pkill bash` is, albeit a bit aggressive, a working solution.
+ - replace bash.  It's not difficult, but requires more fifos.
+ - ...
+## Final considerations
+This was fun.  Now I have a tmux session I remotely attach with cool
+graphs.  This doesn't cover the archiviation of the statistics tho.
+I think it should be trivial to add (just one more `|tee -a` to a local
+file, maybe a cronjob to do rotation, ...) but for the moment I'm happy
+with this result.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 386074e5398d9811831020524d519f2bd8a52554 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+In my [previous article](/2019-10-16-poor-mans-unbound-dashboard.html)
+I used a bash(1) construct to send the same data to two different places.
+The fact that I was using a bash-specific (more or less) construct really
+bothered me this time.  So I thought if there is a way in sh(1) to take
+a piece of data from a pipeline and send it to two different places.
+The canonical way to do this is `tee(1)`, and it's what I've used it the linked article:
+	something | tee >(cmd) | something-else
+(the `>(cmd)` construct is bash, and zsh I think, specific: it executes
+`cmd` in a subshell and execute `tee` with something like `/dev/fd/63`
+-- at least on linux and OpenBSD.)
+Now I'll try to describe three different approaches to emulate the same
+behavior of `>(...)` in pure sh(1), trying to outline both the advantages
+and the cons.
+## temporary files
+That is:
+	something | tee a-file | something-else
+	cmd < a-file
+	# and then, probably
+	rm a-file
+(or even better with `mktemp(1)`)
+This is the most simple approach I can think of.  The obvious disadvantage
+is the need to create and delete files quickly.  This shouldn't be a huge
+problem in most cases, but for script do this constantly and (possibly)
+quickly it can be.  Plus, at least for me, it doesn't seem very elegant,
+but it's subjective.
+## fifo to the rescue
+An almost similar approach is to use fifo.  A fifo, aka a named pipe,
+is a special file that you can write to and read from, in a FIFO
+	mkfifo a-fifo
+	something | tee a-fifo | something-else
+	while read line < a-fifo; do echo $line; done | cmd
+This is especially useful if you need to have a long-running script that
+needs to duplicate a stream from one source.  You create the fifos at the
+startup and then you're done, instead of constantly creating temporary
+files over and over again.  An annoying thing is that you need to wrap
+the read from the fifo in some sort of loop: AFAIK to read the next item
+in a fifo you need to close and re-open it.
+## An unexpected sed
+Let's add another requisite: other than dumbly copy the stream, suppose
+that you want also to apply some sort of transformation to one branch
+of the duplication, like filter out something.
+Well, you can adapt the last two examples by adding a `| sed '...'`.
+Or you can use the `w` command of sed.
+I'll be a bit more specific: let's say that you need to *dispatch*
+something taken from a single stream and feed *n* subprocess.  It's
+exactly what I've tried to achieve in my last post: I've used `>(cmd)`
+to dispatch the unbound statistics to different fifo, and then I had
+different processes pulling out those stats from the fifo to draw graphs.
+The code was like
+	unbound-control stats			\
+	| tee >(grep something > a-fifo)	\
+	| tee >(grep something-else > b-fifo)	\
+	| ...
+Well, that can be rewritten as
+	unbound-control stats			\
+	| sed 's/something/&/w a-fifo'		\
+	| sed 's/something-else/&/w b-fifo	\
+	| ...
+by leveraging some sed behaviours:
+1. every line read is printed to stdout (eventually transformed)
+2. after the `s` command you can use `w` to write the transformed lines
+   to a local file
+I've got this *illumination* by reading [Sed - An introduction and
+Tutorial by Bruce Barnett](
+I tried to use `sed 'g/something/w a-fifo'` but `sed` complained
+about "extra characters after command", so I assume that the no-op
+`s/something/&/` is needed.
+Edit: I tried with `g/...` because I thought that `sed` had a `g` command
+that behaves like the `vi(1)` or `sam(1)` `g` command.  `sed` has a `g`
+command, but does something different.  The correct form would be `sed
+'/something/w a-fifo'` because `sed`, like `awk(1)`, has the ability to
+perform commands only on lines that match a regular expression.
+I find this last technique pretty, even prettier than the `>(grep ... >)`
+idiom I used previously since it avoids the subshell to do the filtering
+and because it does not make assumption on the shell used -- it only
+requires a POSIX shell.
+I hope you found this interesting. At least to me it really is.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 5563d222ae0d6a900b7d46a4a30e39f45ce3b35a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+UNIX is all about files and programs that do one thing and to it well,
+right? `vi(1)` is one of my favorite text editors. However it lacks
+some feature: but here's where the *composition* shines.
+It's stupid and dead-simple actually, but I haven't thought
+about it until some weeks ago. With a simple
+	map « :w^M:!aspell -c %^M:e!^M^M
+in your `~/.nexrc` it's simple to do spell checking in `vi`.
+**Friendly remainder**: the `^M` is literally the *enter* key inserted
+with `C-v ENTER` or `C-v C-m`.
+I've also the following binding in my `~/.nexrc` to spell check
+Italian text:
+	map » :w^M:!aspell --lang=it -c %^M:e!^M^M
+### What's that gibberish?
+OK, it may be non-obvious what that that mapping does, so let's split
+it into pieces:
+ - `map «` starts a mapping on the `«` key
+ - `:w^M` writes the current file (the return is necessary to *enter* the command)
+ - `:!aspell -c %^M` run aspell over the file (`%` is replaced with the current file name)
+ - `:e!^M` force vi to re-read the file
+ - `^M` Tell vi to render the editor. After a command execution vi doesn't render its interface. Rather, it wait (a bit like `ex`) for a command. 
+### Why the `«` and `»` characters?
+Those keys aren't bind to anything and are simple to type with my keyboard layout.
blob - /dev/null
blob + 4c3247e50b2a55910349f5e53c0c5db2d59f8d3a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/blog/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+(ns blog.core
+  (:require [blog.time :as time]
+            [blog.templates :as templates]
+            [boot.core :as core]
+            [boot.task.built-in :as task]
+            [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
+            [ring.middleware.resource :refer [wrap-resource]]
+            [ring.middleware.content-type :refer [wrap-content-type]]
+            [ :as io]
+            [ :refer [sh]])
+  (:import ( File)))
+(defn copy-file [src dst]
+  (with-open [in  (io/input-stream (io/file src))
+              out (io/output-stream (io/file dst))]
+    (io/copy in out)))
+(defn post [{:keys [slug title short date tags]}]
+  (let [f (io/resource (str "posts/" slug ".md"))]
+    {:slug slug
+     :title title
+     :short short
+     :date (time/parse date)
+     :body (slurp f)
+     :tags tags}))
+(def per-tag (atom {}))
+(def posts (atom []))
+(defn add-post! [m]
+  (let [p (post m)]
+    (swap! posts conj p)
+    (doseq [t (:tags m)]
+      (swap! per-tag update t conj p))))
+(load "posts")
+(defn create-dirs! []
+  (doseq [d ["resources/out"
+             "resources/out/css"
+             "resources/out/post"
+             "resources/out/tag"
+             "resources/out/img"]]
+    (.. (File. d) mkdirs)))
+(defn post-pages []
+  (let [tags (keys @per-tag)]
+    (map-indexed (fn [i posts]
+                   {:filename (if (= i 0)
+                                "index.html"
+                                (str (inc i) ".html"))
+                    :tags tags
+                    :nth (inc i)
+                    :posts posts
+                    :has-next true
+                    :has-prev true})
+                 (partition-all 6 @posts))))
+(defn fix-next-last
+  "Fix the :has-prev/:has-next for the post pages.  This assumes
+  that `(not (empty? post-pages))`"
+  [post-pages]
+  (-> post-pages
+      (->> (into []))
+      (update 0                        assoc :has-prev false)
+      (update (dec (count post-pages)) assoc :has-next false)))
+(defn render-post-list []
+  (doseq [p (fix-next-last (post-pages))
+          :let [{:keys [filename]} p]]
+    (spit (str "resources/out/" filename)
+          (templates/home-page p))))
+(defn render-post [{s :slug, :as post}]
+  (spit (str "resources/out/post/" s ".html")
+        (templates/post-page post)))
+(defn render-tags [tags]
+  (spit (str "resources/out/tags.html")
+        (templates/tags-page tags)))
+(defn render-tag [tag posts]
+  (spit (str "resources/out/tag/" tag ".html")
+        (templates/tag-page tag posts)))
+(defn copy-dir
+  "Copy the content of resources/`dir` to resources/out/`dir`, assuming
+  these two directories exists.  It does not copy recursively."
+  [dir]
+  (let [in (io/file (str "resources/" dir "/"))
+        out         (str "resources/out/" dir "/")]
+    (doseq [f (->> in file-seq (filter #(.isFile %)))]
+      (println "copying" (.getName f) "to" (str out (.getName f)))
+      (io/copy f (io/file (str out (.getName f)))))))
+  (copy-dir "img")
+  (io/copy (io/file "resources/img/unbound-dashboard.png")
+           (io/file "resources/out/img/unbound-dashboard.png"))
+(defn copy-assets
+  "Copy css and images to their places"
+  []
+  (copy-dir "img")
+  (copy-file "resources/favicon.ico" "resources/out/favicon.ico")
+  (copy-file "resources/css/style.css" "resources/out/css/style.css"))
+(core/deftask build
+  "Build the blog"
+  []
+  (create-dirs!)
+  (copy-assets)
+  (render-post-list)
+  (doseq [p @posts]
+    (render-post p))
+  (render-tags (keys @per-tag))
+  (doseq [t @per-tag
+          :let [[tag posts] t]]
+    (render-tag (name tag) posts)))
+(def j (atom nil))
+(core/deftask serve
+  "Serve a preview"
+  []
+  (reset!
+   j
+   (jetty/run-jetty (-> (fn [_] {:status 404, :body "not found"})
+                        (wrap-resource "out")
+                        (wrap-content-type))
+                    {:port 3000
+                     :join? false})))
+(core/deftask deploy
+  "Copy the files to the server"
+  []
+  (sh "openrsync" "-r" "--delete" "resources/out/" "op:sites/"))
+(defn stop-jetty []
+  (.stop @j)
+  (reset! j nil))
+  (build)
+  (serve)
+  (stop-jetty)
blob - /dev/null
blob + 32b6f52a0584e165bf432318cfab24456fe98d3e (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/blog/posts.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+  (add-post! {:title "Blogging with clojure"
+              :slug "blogging-with-clojure"
+              :date "2020/03/27"
+              :tags #{:clojure}
+              :short "Build static blogs with clojure & boot"}))
+  (add-post! {:title "Build a personal FreeBSD repository"
+              :slug "freebsd-repository-with-synth"
+              :date "2020/03/24"
+              :tags #{:FreeBSD}
+              :short "Build with ease.  Scripts included!"}))
+  (add-post! {:title "A tale of three editors"
+              :slug "tale-of-three-editors"
+              :date "2019/10/04"
+              :tags #{:emacs :vi :acme}
+              :short "The gigantic, the fake minimal and the glorious.  Or escaping the emacs-verse if you prefer."}))
+(add-post! {:title "Multiplexing data in sh(1)"
+            :slug "sh-multiplexing-data"
+            :date "2019/10/17"
+            :tags #{:sh}
+            :short "please put something clever here"})
+(add-post! {:title "Poor man's unbound dashboard"
+            :slug "poor-mans-unbound-dashboard"
+            :date "2019/10/16"
+            :tags #{:OpenBSD :tmux}
+            :short "A little bit of bash, fifos, tmux & ttyplot"})
+(add-post! {:title "Core naming in linux"
+            :slug "core-naming-on-linux"
+            :date "2019/10/15"
+            :tags #{:OpenBSD :linux}
+            :short "Porting BSD behaviours to linux"})
+(add-post! {:title "CSS splites with awk and ImageMagick"
+            :slug "css-sprites-awk-imagemagick"
+            :date "2019/08/08"
+            :tags #{:css :awk}
+            :short "I like to automatize things"})
+(add-post! {:title "Using the C preprocessors for CSS generation"
+            :slug "cpp-css"
+            :date "2019/03/30"
+            :tags #{:css}
+            :short "old tools for new websites"})
+(add-post! {:title "F* on OpenBSD"
+            :slug "fstar-openbsd"
+            :date "2019/03/25"
+            :tags #{:fstar :OpenBSD}
+            :short "It just works"})
+(add-post! {:title "Abbreviations in vi(1)"
+            :slug "abbreviations-vi"
+            :date "2018/09/14"
+            :tags #{:vi}
+            :short "type even less"})
+(add-post! {:title "Improving maildir opening time in mutt"
+            :slug "maildir-mutt-time"
+            :date "2018/09/14"
+            :tags #{:mutt}
+            :short "<code>header_cache</code> is just awesome"})
+(add-post! {:title "Spell checking in vi(1)"
+            :slug "spell-checking-vi"
+            :date "2018/09/08"
+            :tags #{:vi}
+            :short "Aspell plays nice with vi."})
blob - /dev/null
blob + e08fa1f4cd7306a5db7b149446d64b3fe1e54f5b (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/blog/templates.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(ns blog.templates
+  (:require [blog.time :as time]
+            [ :refer [html5 include-css]]
+            [commonmark-hiccup.core :refer [markdown->hiccup default-config]]))
+(defn link-item [{:keys [url text]}]
+  [:li [:a {:href url} text]])
+(defn header [{:keys [tags]}]
+  (list
+   [:header
+    [:nav
+     [:ul
+      (link-item {:url "/", :text "Home"})
+      (link-item {:url "/tags.html", :text "All Tags"})]]
+    [:div
+     [:h1 [:a {:href "/"} "yumh"]]
+     [:p "writing about things, sometimes."]]]))
+(defn with-page
+  [{:keys [title class], :as d} & body]
+  (html5 {:lang "en"}
+   [:head
+    [:meta {:charset "utf8"}]
+    [:meta {:name "viewport", :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}]
+    [:link {:rel "shortcut icon", :href "/favicon.ico"}]
+    [:title title]
+    (include-css "/css/style.css")]
+   [:body {:class (or class "")}
+    (header d)
+    [:main body]
+    [:footer
+     [:p "Blog powered by "
+      [:code "(clojure)"]]]]))
+(defn post-fragment
+  [{:keys [full? title-with-link?]}
+   {:keys [title date slug tags short body], :as post}]
+  [:article
+   [:header
+    [:h1 (if title-with-link?
+           [:a {:href (str "post/" slug ".html")} title]
+           title)]
+    [ "Written by " [:em "Omar Polo"] " on " (time/fmt-loc date)]
+    [:ul.tags (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")}
+                                 (str "#" (name %))])
+                   tags)]]
+   [:section
+    (if full?
+      (markdown->hiccup default-config body)
+      [:p short])]])
+(defn home-page
+  [{:keys [posts has-next has-prev nth]}]
+  (with-page {:title "Home"}
+    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
+         posts)
+    [
+     (if has-prev
+       [:a.prev {:href (str "/" (if (= (dec nth) 1)
+                                  "index"
+                                  (dec nth)) ".html")}
+        "« Newer Posts"])
+     (if has-next
+       [ {:href (str "/" (inc nth) ".html")}
+        "Older Posts »"])]))
+(defn post-page
+  [{:keys [title], :as post}]
+  (with-page {:title title
+              :class "article"}
+    (post-fragment {:full? true}
+                   post)))
+(defn tags-page
+  [tags]
+  (with-page {:title "All tags"
+              :class "tags"}
+    [:h2 "All tags"]
+    [:nav
+     [:ul
+      (map #(vector :li [:a {:href (str "/tag/" (name %) ".html")} (str "#" (name %))])
+           (sort (fn [a b]
+                   (compare (.toLowerCase (name a))
+                            (.toLowerCase (name b)))) tags))]]))
+(defn tag-page
+  [tag posts]
+  (with-page {:title (str "Posts tagged with #" tag)
+              :class "tag"}
+    [:h2 "Post tagged with " [:code "#" tag]]
+    (map (partial post-fragment {:title-with-link? true})
+         (->> posts
+              (sort-by :date)
+              (reverse)))))
blob - /dev/null
blob + e64701e8994a7f3c198b9b5ae5066c373b80786f (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/blog/time.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(ns blog.time
+  (:import (java.time.format DateTimeFormatter FormatStyle)
+           (java.time LocalDate)
+           (java.util Locale)))
+(def pattern
+  (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "yyyy/MM/dd"))
+(def loc (Locale/forLanguageTag "en"))
+(def pattern-loc
+  (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "dd MMMM yyy" loc))
+(defn fmt [d]
+  (.format d pattern))
+(defn fmt-loc [d]
+  (.format d pattern-loc))
+(defn parse [s]
+  (LocalDate/parse s pattern))
+  (parse "2020/03/24")
+  (fmt (LocalDate/now))
+  (fmt-loc (LocalDate/now))
+  )