Commit Diff

commit - 95409400f71c426d4ef5811f5dbdf1c0778464f5
commit + e5c98464c8f80410bda1667cb747317b3e728322
blob - cd20bcf6c298a8a8bd9c1a3f48cbadd2e58cc71b
blob + bf0d609584cbb563cfaf4e52416b40329f99a1ca
--- lib/fortunes
+++ lib/fortunes
@@ -3159,7 +3159,6 @@ A rolling stone is a singing rock group.
 Every cloud has a wet spot.
 You take a banana, you get a lunar landscape.  -J. van Wijk
 "Buffalo never Oink" -- a South Dakota travel brocure.
-Choose your spouse carefully. -- Susan Dorward
 Ken is very smart but also very opinionated.  -- Doug Gwyn
 Anthony Burgess reports a friend's rendezvous with the ideal mannequin, all legs and no breasts. It was like going to bed with a bicycle.
 Narcissists receive callers without opening the door.
@@ -4058,3 +4057,54 @@ It's almost as though someone is creating billboards t
 And, as you read, please forgive the necessary typos - I'm going for rock-solid facts, rather than spelling.
 mp3riot -  Directory search utility
 val.h:152: class `FloatVal' is implicitly friends with itself
+The MOV mnemonic, which stands for `move', is a misnomer.  A copy function is actually performed instead of a move. - AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 1
+It's not foolproof, but maybe if we don't act like fools, it will work.  - Sara O'Brien
+May God forgive you for what you have done!  - Pope John Paul I, to the Cardinals who elected him
+  hb = 0x80;  hb = hb << 24;   /* hb = 0x80000000UL */
+It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.
+CPU0 states:   0.0% user, 150.0% system,   0.0%nice,   0.0% idle
+i know what jmk did.  he added reentrancy for threads.  - boyd, about uintptr
+i hate all sorts of zealots  - boyd
+/* Watch the brackets - even Ken and Dennis get some language design wrong */
+Not related to the portable reciprocating power saw trademark of the Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation.
+GNU C++ does not support old-style function definitions, so this extension is irrelevant.
+Here we have twenty-eight letters.
+Here we have twenty-six letters.
+Even if you could revive someone who has died, you haven't really done anything that deals with that person's central problem, which is sin.
+Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to sharpen sticks.  - Thant Tessman
+A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy.  - Joseph Campbell
+Arguing that Java is better than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark.  - Thant Tessman
+(Of course SML does have its weaknesses, but by comparison, a discussion of C++'s strengths and flaws always sounds like an argument about whether one should face north or east when one is sacrificing one's goat to the rain god.)  - Thant Tessman
+C++ is history repeated as tragedy.  Java is history repeated as farce.  - Scott McKay
+Applicants must also have extensive knowledge of UNIX, although they should have sufficiently good programming taste to not consider this an achievement.  - Hal Abelson, MIT AI Lab job ad
+I recently visited and I would like to offer my web design services.  I can help you with your Plan 9 website.  - spam
+There are no network problems with scone, hale and poptart. IT support is working these issues and we will notify you when the problem is resolved.
+A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into a bar.  The bartender says, "Sorry, but we don't serve minors."
+		exhausted("sleep");
+/// The ForTo class avoids confusing syntax of "for (int i=1;i<=4;i++) {...}". This can be replaced with "foreach (int i in new ForTo(1,4)) {...}".
+Linux is for people who hate Windows.  BSD is for people who love UNIX.
+If plan9 was a village then I'd probably be the village idiot, but it would still be better than living in the city.  - Dave Lukes
+Software has gotten too fat and unreliable, so we started with Linux.  - Nicholas Negroponte
+Forgive my ignorance, I am a layman and nowadays get my schooling through search engine results.  - Vester Thacker
+By tradition, the return value of functions report what they did, not what they considered doing.  - rob
+If the restaurant serves poor beer, don't switch to wine. - sape
+There is nothing quite like looking up and seeing YOUR star.  Order now for FREE SHIPPING.
+gcc is the holy cow of compilers, not the holy grail.  - forsyth
+NOTE 3: Each bit has the value either ZERO or ONE.  - ECMA-035 spec
+cpu90112: exiting
+cpu0: existing
+The operation timed out while trying to contact void.
+On the Internet nobody knows you're running Plan 9. - Jim McKie
+Deleted code is debugged code.  - Jeff Sickel
+DEAR ALL, I am newbie!  pls guide me,
+Google does not appear to be in the kludge-making business ...  - Ashlee Vance, The Register
+		  ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **
+Revision control is like any other form of accountancy -- worthy but dull. -forsyth
+There are but 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand the binary numbering system and those who don't.
+we live in a world of dogmas, probably trying to fight it with a stronger dogma is a bad idea, but trying to fight it with preumpted objectivism clearly doesn't work.  - uriel
+Equations are the devil's sentences.  - Stephen Colbert
+cpu: can't dial: The operation completed successfully.
+A kiss without a beard is like an egg without salt.  - Dutch proverb
+Nothing is good enough for the fortune file! - Dan Cross
+Tried to read 71776119061217303 bytes. Read only 23