Commit Diff

commit - e03fd2f8067bfbd2082472ac0f8b9ea9d3eb7e51
commit + ec64d77b45560c3335ec16e631e68fac274bae7d
blob - 4c7b713ba8b4b02eb217da507993c390f6489b82
blob + a12fe91828b64a657390c2e923e44132ef437c7d
--- bin/diffstat.lp
+++ bin/diffstat.lp
@@ -145,6 +145,5 @@ printing to stderr other than using the pseudo-device.
 some example usages:
-* cvs -q di | diffstat | tee /tmp/diff | less
-* git diff | diffstat > /tmp/diff
-* got di | diffstat | ssh foo 'cd xyz && got patch'
+* cvs -q diff | diffstat > /tmp/diff
+* got diff | diffstat | ssh foo 'cd xyz && got patch'