Commit Diff

commit - 7ce20e3ee0120ac261249bf4887a98bc324d0e51
commit + eee5b41eabbcc2b1465b5ec6c3e00d913b202385
blob - 9604a91a149cad66c43985e93b0375f2b08230f5
blob + b96c3537992a799e906e9ec772202b8613252afc
--- font/LICENSE
+++ font/LICENSE
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-The bitmap fonts in this directory are copyright B&H Inc. and Y&Y Inc.
-and distributed under the following exception to the Lucent license:
+The bitmap fonts in the lucida, lucidasans, lucm, and pelm directories are
+copyright B&H Inc. and Y&Y Inc. and distributed under the following exception
+to the Lucent license:
    No right is granted to create derivative works of or
    to redistribute (other than with the Plan 9 Operating System)