Commit Diff

commit - cf95173b7dd5f3a5c6798eb98dc5f7da78d09332
commit + ef24e386cc7f4bfb113cf0d739f5c5ede2c51715
blob - e5a5f36584c17085d72dcf3e23bb817956fc0f84
blob + 9e8dadd5bb86dd8a11352bf966f2952a2f66b863
--- site/telescope.1.html
+++ site/telescope.1.html
@@ -470,6 +470,8 @@
   <dt>C-x C-c</dt>
+  <dt>C-x C-w</dt>
+  <dd>write-buffer</dd>
@@ -690,6 +692,8 @@
+  <dt>C-u</dt>
+  <dd>mini-kill-whole-line</dd>
@@ -857,6 +861,8 @@
       interactive command.</dd>
   <dt id="toggle-pre-wrap"><a class="permalink" href="#toggle-pre-wrap"><code class="Ic">toggle-pre-wrap</code></a></dt>
   <dd>Toggle the wrapping of preformatted blocks.</dd>
+  <dt id="write-buffer"><a class="permalink" href="#write-buffer"><code class="Ic">write-buffer</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Save the current buffer to the disk.</dd>
 <section class="Ss">
@@ -877,6 +883,8 @@
   <dd>Select the last completion, if any.</dd>
   <dt id="mini-kill-line"><a class="permalink" href="#mini-kill-line"><code class="Ic">mini-kill-line</code></a></dt>
   <dd>Delete from point until the end of the line.</dd>
+  <dt id="mini-kill-whole-line"><a class="permalink" href="#mini-kill-whole-line"><code class="Ic">mini-kill-whole-line</code></a></dt>
+  <dd>Delete the whole line.</dd>
   <dt id="mini-next-history-element"><a class="permalink" href="#mini-next-history-element"><code class="Ic">mini-next-history-element</code></a></dt>
   <dd>Load the previous history element.</dd>
   <dt id="mini-previous-history-element"><a class="permalink" href="#mini-previous-history-element"><code class="Ic">mini-previous-history-element</code></a></dt>
@@ -899,6 +907,8 @@
   <dt id="q"><a class="permalink" href="#q"><code class="Ic">q</code></a>
     <span class="No">and</span> <code class="Ic">wq</code></dt>
   <dd><a class="permalink" href="#kill-telescope~2"><code class="Ic" id="kill-telescope~2">kill-telescope</code></a></dd>
+  <dt id="w"><a class="permalink" href="#w"><code class="Ic">w</code></a></dt>
+  <dd><a class="permalink" href="#write-buffer~2"><code class="Ic" id="write-buffer~2">write-buffer</code></a></dd>
blob - 736727df5a6cd6dc3ffcb74f4418d56462287e72
blob + 01d2fb8b21be50b1f0496b8d8736c9f2b2937516
--- site/telescope.1.txt
+++ site/telescope.1.txt
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS
 	   M-<		 beginning-of-buffer
 	   M->		 end-of-buffer
 	   C-x C-c	 kill-telescope
+	   C-x C-w	 write-buffer
 	   C-g		 clear-minibuf
 	   M-x		 execute-extended-command
 	   C-c {	 dec-fill-column
@@ -399,6 +400,7 @@ DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS
 	   <end>	 move-end-of-line
 	   <home>	 move-beginning-of-line
 	   C-k		 mini-kill-line
+	   C-u		 mini-kill-whole-line
 	   M-p		 mini-previous-history-element
 	   M-n		 mini-next-history-element
 	   C-p		 previous-completion
@@ -488,6 +490,7 @@ INTERACTIVE COMMANDS
      toggle-help	       Toggle side window with help about available
 			       keys and their associated interactive command.
      toggle-pre-wrap	       Toggle the wrapping of preformatted blocks.
+     write-buffer	       Save the current buffer to the disk.
    Minibuffer commands
      mini-abort		       Abort the current minibuffer action.
@@ -498,6 +501,7 @@ INTERACTIVE COMMANDS
      mini-goto-beginning       Select the first completion, if any.
      mini-goto-end	       Select the last completion, if any.
      mini-kill-line	       Delete from point until the end of the line.
+     mini-kill-whole-line      Delete the whole line.
 			       Load the previous history element.
@@ -510,6 +514,7 @@ INTERACTIVE COMMANDS
      tabnew	       tab-new
      tabp	       tab-previous
      q and wq	       kill-telescope
+     w		       write-buffer
      When telescope is started, it inspects the following environment