Commit Diff

commit - 2abcc1c6224bf474353a29c76cfe817b6a16cd5d
commit + efcdeb95198d36bca8a8b98aa54b6ddc75d90fa1
blob - 07a86405f572ae17d36fbd431c7ba868fec63f3e
blob + 8398b05406f7518c77d6b1ede66631ae68dae35f
--- site/Makefile
+++ site/Makefile
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ MANPAGES =	../kamictl/kamictl.8	\
 		../kamiftp/kamiftp.1	\
-PAGES =		index.gmi install.gmi tutorial.gmi
+PAGES =		index.gmi install.gmi tutorial.gmi caveats.gmi
+TITLE_caveats.gmi =	caveats
 TITLE_index.gmi =	home
 TITLE_install.gmi =	install guide
 TITLE_tutorial.gmi =	tutorial
blob - /dev/null
blob + a29c9e6022c2adb82ec3dace7d0a97fc71fb14fe (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ site/caveats.gmi
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# caveats
+Keep in mind that kamid is a very young project.  It just reached its 0.1 version so while it’s working, there are some caveats.
+### client certificates are mandatory!
+Future version will relax this restriction but at the moment it’s strictly required for all connections to provide a TLS client certificate.
+kamiproxy(1) can help with this, as will relay and encrypt all incoming 9p connections to kamid using a client certificate.
+### not 100% compliant (yet)
+kamid aims to be completely compatible with all existing software that speaks 9p, but at the moment it is not yet.  It’s more like 99% compatible, there’s still something missing.
+A known bug is that 9front can’t create or write files in a directory tree exported by kamid.  The cause is still unknown.
+### it's more slower than it needs to be
+Due to a technical issue, kamid uses a very small ‘msize’ (the maximum size of the packages) which is critical for reads and writes of big files.  Future version will increase the default ‘msize’.