Commit Diff

commit - ba51ae9877aef8da2a6ee49e354d9b8148b0e93a
commit + f460c311450164c30dd3d030655f6125219d2708
blob - bc8d3e3e18ac853017273ec42409ed5757c1020e
blob + 6b14477929069f099af363f1d3196e4872166a24
--- src/cmd/acme/text.c
+++ src/cmd/acme/text.c
@@ -717,9 +717,33 @@ texttype(Text *t, Rune r)
 	case Kdown:
 		if(t->what == Tag)
-			goto Tagdown;
-		n = t->fr.maxlines/3;
-		goto case_Down;
+ 			goto Tagdown;
+		typecommit(t);
+		/* 1rst check for being in the last line*/
+		q0 = t->q0;
+		q1 = q0;
+		if (q1) q1--;
+		nnb = 0;
+		while(q0<t->file-> && textreadc(t, q0)!='\n')
+			q0++;
+		if (q0 == (t->file-> {
+			textshow(t, q0, q0, TRUE);
+			return;
+		}
+		q0++;
+		/* find old pos in ln */
+		while(q1>1 && textreadc(t, q1)!='\n'){
+			nnb++;
+			q1--;
+		}
+		/* go right until reachg pos or \n */
+		while(q0<t->file-> && (nnb>0 && textreadc(t, q0)!='\n')){
+			q0++;
+			nnb--;
+		}
+		if (q0>1 && q0<t->file->
+			textshow(t, q0, q0, TRUE);
+		return;
 	case Kscrollonedown:
 		if(t->what == Tag)
 			goto Tagdown;
@@ -736,8 +760,14 @@ texttype(Text *t, Rune r)
 	case Kup:
 		if(t->what == Tag)
 			goto Tagup;
-		n = t->fr.maxlines/3;
-		goto case_Up;
+		typecommit(t);
+		nnb = 0;
+		if(t->q0>0 && textreadc(t, t->q0-1)!='\n')
+			nnb = textbswidth(t, 0x15);
+		/* BOL - 1 if not first line of txt BOL*/
+		if( t->q0-nnb > 1  && textreadc(t, t->q0-nnb-1)=='\n' ) nnb++;
+		textshow(t, t->q0-nnb, t->q0-nnb, TRUE);
+		return;
 	case Kscrolloneup:
 		if(t->what == Tag)
 			goto Tagup;