Commit Diff

commit - f42f2eaa9f6a994fa0ba6a52e37487e8a121c21f
commit + f5b2dd3a3ff7fc54825f49048f946879baea3112
blob - 7e626d908fa821d3a983d17fdf3624ec32cd69ba
blob + 1be01402df7acfad44c39db3628f1fca829bfa53
--- emacs/init.el
+++ emacs/init.el
@@ -208,16 +208,16 @@
 (defmacro op/deftranspose (name scope key doc)
   "Macro to produce transposition functions.
-      NAME is the function's symbol.  SCOPE is the text object to
-      operate on.  Optional DOC is the function's docstring.
+NAME is the function's symbol.  SCOPE is the text object to
+operate on.  Optional DOC is the function's docstring.
-      Transposition over an active region will swap the object at
-      mark (region beginning) with the one at point (region end).
-      It can optionally define a key for the defined function in the
-      `global-map' if KEY is passed.
+Transposition over an active region will swap the object at
+mark (region beginning) with the one at point (region end).
+It can optionally define a key for the defined function in the
+`global-map' if KEY is passed.
-      Originally from protesilaos' dotemacs."
+Originally from protesilaos' dotemacs."
   (declare (indent defun))
      (defun ,name (arg)