Commit Diff

commit - ed1d237e76633efa58d3dbcb22be64d2a720fa7e
commit + f88fbabc2b1988a4c36c637b77c842b8f80c9ddb
blob - 7a598695365327d2d25245d1484abb96db8ce5bf
blob + 63525147638b92ee324bb848ccd6309d709d80e5
--- fs.c
+++ fs.c
@@ -62,12 +62,18 @@ static void		 xdg_init(void);
 static struct imsgev		*iev_ui;
 static FILE			*session;
-/* WARNING: xdg_*_base variables are not initialized if ~/.telescope exists */
+ * Note: these are empty if ~/.telescope exists, use *_path_base
+ * below.
+ */
 static char	xdg_config_base[PATH_MAX];
 static char	xdg_data_base[PATH_MAX];
 static char	xdg_cache_base[PATH_MAX];
-/* *_path_base variables are all equal to $HOME/.telescope if it exists */
+ * Where to store user data.  These are all equal to ~/.telescope if
+ * it exists.
+ */
 char		config_path_base[PATH_MAX];
 char		data_path_base[PATH_MAX];
 char		cache_path_base[PATH_MAX];