Commit Diff

commit - 3e38cd13d8cbe5fafa9d9a740d1d41602dc842c9
commit + f9fb86fa502a3387b1dbf95051ce16fadb7adba1
blob - ef898b236a46bc66c953511bfb31bd1c89e19429
blob + 4ca8384ffe373a54e1d9dfd0213c4d243385db96
--- emacs/init.el
+++ emacs/init.el
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Taken from endless parentheses."
 ;; packages that i want to be installed
 (dolist (pkg '(vc-got pdf-tools eglot nameless sly cider go-mode web-mode
-                      lua-mode markdown-mode yaml-mode gemini-mode elfeed
+                      lua-mode markdown-mode yaml-mode gemini-mode
                       form-feed shackle embark consult mct puni))
   (unless (package-installed-p pkg)
     (message "Installing %s" pkg)
@@ -489,91 +489,23 @@ buffer."
   (package-install-file "~/w/saturn/GUI/saturn.el"))
-;; simple-pass
-(unless (package-installed-p 'simple-pass)
-  (package-install-file "~/.emacs.d/simple-pass.el"))
-(define-key global-map (kbd "C-z p") #'simple-pass-copy)
+;; emacs-pq
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/build/emacs-libpq/")
+(unless (package-installed-p 'pq)
+  (package-install-file "~/build/emacs-libpq/pq.el"))
+;; plass
+(unless (package-installed-p 'plass)
+  (ignore-errors
+    (package-install-file "~/w/plass/plass.el")))
-;; elfeed
+(with-eval-after-load 'plass
+  (setq plass-filter "!2fa"
+        plass-totp-filter "2fa"))
-(define-key global-map (kbd "C-x w") #'elfeed)
-(with-eval-after-load 'elfeed
-  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "q") #'delete-window)
-  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "S-SPC") #'scroll-down-command)
-  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "M-SPC") #'scroll-down-command)
-  (setq elfeed-show-entry-switch #'pop-to-buffer
-        elfeed-feeds
-        '(""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ";search=-tag:rpg -tag:rsp;lang=en;title=English Diary without RPG Pages"
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          ""
-          "")))
 (setq shackle-default-rule nil
       (let ((repls "\\*\\(cider-repl\\|sly-mrepl\\|ielm\\)")