commit 0ab6d481eb9306b6f2e175cf1509842e89b173f8 from: Omar Polo date: Fri Apr 15 15:34:35 2022 UTC don't insert current candidate in eecmd_select after the recent 'must select' thing there's no need to call minibuffer_insert_current_candidate from eecmd_select anymore. commit - 7b2095782b396e59e93729ca8e503fa0e04869fa commit + 0ab6d481eb9306b6f2e175cf1509842e89b173f8 blob - 1867c5f127efa93ad322b21e7071bf38a613d8d1 blob + 646a2fb986bf09d2190652dc2c5fcbc656468320 --- minibuffer.c +++ minibuffer.c @@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ eecmd_select(void) t = minibuffer_compl_text(); for (cmd = cmds; cmd->cmd != NULL; ++cmd) { if (!strcmp(cmd->cmd, t)) { - minibuffer_insert_current_candidate(); minibuffer_hist_save_entry(); exit_minibuffer(); cmd->fn(current_buffer());