commit 12537540081282e275ecc017bc1617944cabb43e from: Omar Polo date: Wed May 26 14:11:42 2021 UTC added screenshot commit - 123035ffd1faf68a00608dbc22ea736938fbe580 commit + 12537540081282e275ecc017bc1617944cabb43e blob - a938242f96319aabd0fce3fdf99f2139790f3156 blob + 122f11c646f77803c4de6106541c5ecdeca2ae80 --- +++ @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ vmd is an Emacs package to interact with [OpenBSD' vmd][vmd]. +![vmd buffer with transient open](vmd.png) + ### vterm integration To use vterm (or any other packages really) to handle a shell for the blob - /dev/null blob + 1c6c4f4f1c071498aeae696aca7f56d178d4e3fb (mode 644) Binary files /dev/null and vmd.png differ