commit 17947430c0216bb8db16f69b70855e72d45cf978 from: Omar Polo date: Thu Jan 13 18:38:42 2022 UTC mention u in the "essential commands" list commit - b7286684d73624890ce1d663c499eb8acc9c845b commit + 17947430c0216bb8db16f69b70855e72d45cf978 blob - 24c52e84eff877039fa4f4a69a4723ebd723d41c blob + 9bd8f260bfb4c94a32de72ca3598e0e9bb825c4a --- pages/about_help.gmi +++ pages/about_help.gmi @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ By default Telescope includes various keys inspired fr * [ and ] to move between tabs; * control + t to open a new tab; * control + w to close the current tab; +* u to re-open a closed tab * q to quit