commit 247fb3d03e3ff006ac508cfcff54142f3dd24a74 from: Omar Polo date: Wed Aug 25 09:20:54 2021 UTC fix link commit - 720cfb139873faec3db833f1a9b9d09a02b0b32a commit + 247fb3d03e3ff006ac508cfcff54142f3dd24a74 blob - 2a16006bb0a499f1f3ae4597d4257e7c477d09ae blob + 273f6c032faa630b1a714dd3f7d012dde9241f5d --- resources/posts/extracting-from-zips.gmi +++ resources/posts/extracting-from-zips.gmi @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Since I’m a bit of a OpenBSD fanboy myself, I’ve a => pledge(2) manpage => capsicum(4) manpage -=> /posts/gmid-sandbox.gmi Comparing sandboxing techniques +=> /post/gmid-sandbox.gmi Comparing sandboxing techniques To implement ‘extract_file’ I’ve used a small helper function called ‘find_file’ that given a file name returns the pointer to its file entry in the central directory. It’s very similar to ‘ls’: