commit 24b533224c84158e85343d16141f8a2cb5c800e8 from: Omar Polo date: Wed May 26 14:00:55 2021 UTC improve README commit - 56142b9f5181543f7d2ac1ab314fb4f8da9c7491 commit + 24b533224c84158e85343d16141f8a2cb5c800e8 blob - 98368893706ebf55280e6d7399adac5e1e2fb621 blob + a938242f96319aabd0fce3fdf99f2139790f3156 --- +++ @@ -3,4 +3,21 @@ vmd is an Emacs package to interact with [OpenBSD' vmd][vmd]. +### vterm integration + +To use vterm (or any other packages really) to handle a shell for the +console, `vmd-console-function` must point to a function that accepts +two parameters, name and cmd, and execute cmd (a list of strings) in +your preferred terminal. By default, `ansi-term` (bundled with Emacs) +is used, so it's easy to switch to vterm: + +```elisp +(defun my/vmd-vterm (name cmd) + (let ((vterm-shell (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument cmd " ")) + (vterm-buffer-name (concat "*" name "*"))) + (vterm))) +(setq vmd-console-function #'my/vmd-vterm) +``` + + [vmd]: