commit 2850d98e2691927046d77a104a448f53d7a559d0 from: Omar Polo date: Wed Dec 01 11:22:38 2021 UTC add to changelog commit - ed9b470f94db257e74e3422686337e8b36fd3752 commit + 2850d98e2691927046d77a104a448f53d7a559d0 blob - 83cab4bb8a74a60554828dab43b267780d158198 blob + ad89ef69f323cbc800460e881e6c9c59544f802c --- +++ @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ - no more customizable via `config.h` - both vi and emacs friendly - print a message when an undefined key is used + - manpage rewritten in mandoc + - makefile is now in portable make # Rover history