commit 379d2608e9b3449d3fb8aba8b383643e177e119a from: Omar Polo date: Thu Apr 07 12:27:55 2022 UTC suggest /etc/systemd/system instead of /lib/ commit - a9dc6fc60661479bf7961e8198dcdd2746abdacc commit + 379d2608e9b3449d3fb8aba8b383643e177e119a blob - b79a155be18d98657926a6fa2af2bf01c9af9e34 blob + f518f7e92d600316034d00f18f68d4787519c1f8 --- site/contrib.gmi +++ site/contrib.gmi @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ then the usual ‘rcctl [start|stop|enable|restart] gm A simple service file for systemd. To install it ```instructions to install the system file -# cp contrib/gmid.service /lib/systemd/system/gmid.service +# cp contrib/gmid.service /etc/systemd/system/gmid.service ``` then the usual ‘systemctl [status|start|enable|stop] gmid’ commands can be used to manage the server.