commit 383c4b31ce2d65ff879fb3a1f8a375d84dec28e0 from: Omar Polo date: Thu Feb 10 11:10:49 2022 UTC misc improvements to the documentation before for the first release commit - bc451a9607ee6efd2d30a325d719d873bad0b93a commit + 383c4b31ce2d65ff879fb3a1f8a375d84dec28e0 blob - a29c9e6022c2adb82ec3dace7d0a97fc71fb14fe blob + feeae5020f21a63cfa2ec0bbdc9e5a8eba46d1a6 --- site/caveats.gmi +++ site/caveats.gmi @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Keep in mind that kamid is a very young project. It j Future version will relax this restriction but at the moment it’s strictly required for all connections to provide a TLS client certificate. -kamiproxy(1) can help with this, as will relay and encrypt all incoming 9p connections to kamid using a client certificate. +kamiproxy(1) can help with this, as will relay and encrypt all incoming 9p connections to kamid. ### not 100% compliant (yet) blob - 12f7dada3372094f84a5f223eab7c0e4800bb37e blob + ef55f80d3492c7931f9f290fed0e91f70600904b --- site/index.gmi +++ site/index.gmi @@ -2,11 +2,20 @@ kamid is a FREE, easy-to-use and portable implementation of a 9p file server daemon for UNIX-like systems with a strong focus on security and correctness. +=> GH/releases/download/CURRV/kamid-CURRV.tar.gz kamid-CURRV.tar.gz + +Signify pubkeys for this and the next release: +``` CURRSIGN NEXTSIGN +``` + => git repository => GitHub mirror => install.EXT Installation guide => tutorial.EXT Tutorial +=> caveats.EXT Caveats ## Kamid documentation blob - 734ba91ec5f08451702d5e68e521f1c1c8c6e05b blob + 4f20cb891703a92426c22ee33bdeabf108c6dc99 --- site/install.gmi +++ site/install.gmi @@ -6,10 +6,29 @@ kamid has a short number of dependency, namely: * libevent * readline -kamid uses the GNU autotools as build tool; assuming you have fetched either the release tarball or cloned locally the git repository, to build execute: +Sources can be fetched from: +=> GH/releases/download/CURRV/kamid-CURRV.tar.gz kamid-CURRV.tar.gz + +It's strongly advised to verify the tarball before compiling. A SHA256 file is provided, but it can only detect accidental corruption. Instead, use signify and SHA256.sig to cryptographically verify the downloaded tarball. ``` -$ ./ # not needed when using the tarball +$ signify -Cp -x SHA256.sig +Signature Verified OK +kamid-CURRV.tar.gz: OK OK +``` + +The signify pubkeys for this and the next release are: +``` CURRSIGN NEXTSIGN +``` + +Once the dependencies are installed, building is as easy as: +``` +$ tar xzf kamid-CURRV.tar.gz +$ cd kamid-CURRV.tar.gz $ ./configure $ make # make install # eventually