commit 3dc14df0f7fc06bc90bf525de440fbe15e992130 from: Russ Cox date: Tue Oct 09 23:22:43 2007 UTC mount: explicit u on test -S and mount to get unix versions (Chris King) commit - 7a400ee957a0815287af806e18ef90dd18b47f82 commit + 3dc14df0f7fc06bc90bf525de440fbe15e992130 blob - 90136b118c785a08acb99092510589ac5551610b blob + aa106e80e3308062a42edb404614cc0bd7726f72 --- bin/mount +++ bin/mount @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ if(! ~ $#* 2){ switch(`{uname}){ case Linux if(lsmod|9 grep -si '^9p(2000)? '){ - if(test -S $1) - exec mount -t 9p -o proto'='unix,name'='$USER $1 $2 - exec mount -t 9p -o proto'='tcp,name'='$USER $1 $2 + if(u test -S $1) + exec u mount -t 9p -o proto'='unix,name'='$USER $1 $2 + exec u mount -t 9p -o proto'='tcp,name'='$USER $1 $2 } if(lsmod|9 grep -si '^fuse ') exec 9pfuse $1 $2