commit 568419b2c1f71620095acd9bf3be6aaa2bbe43ee from: Omar Polo date: Mon Oct 04 10:05:34 2021 UTC add .cirrus.yml Add a cirrus CI config file that runs the regression suite on linux amd64/aarch64 and on freebsd. commit - 6e0f14d51ef1971893bb094c873ddde86d0cae61 commit + 568419b2c1f71620095acd9bf3be6aaa2bbe43ee blob - /dev/null blob + 261a14a505dd70612e822e8bf251f35fa320b33a (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ .cirrus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +linux_amd64_task: + container: + image: alpine:latest + test_script: + - apk add alpine-sdk linux-headers bison libretls-dev libevent-dev + - ./configure + - make + - make regress + +linux_arm_task: + arm_container: + image: alpine:latest + test_script: + - apk add alpine-sdk linux-headers bison libretls-dev libevent-dev + - ./configure + - make + - make regress + +freebsd_13_task: + freebsd_instance: + image_family: freebsd-13-0 + test_script: + - pkg install -y libevent libressl pkgconf + - ./configure + - make + - make regress