commit 69631ba2e69995b0a04c3e56d53e1e96694525fb from: Omar Polo date: Sun May 07 10:38:39 2023 UTC TODO: remove date format item commit - 92422b9911ff6813f00ac304bc7ea487c48211fd commit + 69631ba2e69995b0a04c3e56d53e1e96694525fb blob - 8cb1eed4967c5276cc6e180e55b957d1b7e9cd2f blob + 005b521a600a1f815f04d5e715697baf745bc393 --- TODO +++ TODO @@ -11,10 +11,3 @@ new reply it'll jump in the first page. The date ranges thus can jump quite a bit when navigating backward/forward. Is this OK? Can we communicate it better? - - -- use UTC consistently - - msearchd uses UTC, while the rest of the UI uses the localtime of the - sender. In the mail page it is fine since we show the zone offset too - but the index pages don't show that!