commit 6a4434d6715de706a5dd06420ff5cca30a32c6b5 from: Omar Polo date: Tue Oct 24 09:12:46 2023 UTC remove useless echo commit - 4fec0c44e6cb91ec27e36bdeb2a53129a032f5ac commit + 6a4434d6715de706a5dd06420ff5cca30a32c6b5 blob - d208ae4fc5fde7ba1ef0169a7d485f0e6f611b1a blob + d560f461b5b3565af84b64b2a4dbe31936d5f970 --- bin/myterm.lp +++ bin/myterm.lp @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ I'm actually using the same list of the sam example co ksh has not a great syntax for arrays, but this will choose (with modulo bias!) a random colour and use it as xterm background. - exec xterm -bg "$(echo ${colours[$((RANDOM % ${#colours[@]}))]})" "$@" + exec xterm -bg "${colours[$((RANDOM % ${#colours[@]}))]}" "$@"