commit 6d11dfc473d237c2c3d62ef6080ad78920cf1bb5 from: Omar Polo date: Fri Nov 19 09:04:33 2021 UTC add known issues to the readme commit - 1e3d47620a6c03ad0a992aae4ae2be06b44306c3 commit + 6d11dfc473d237c2c3d62ef6080ad78920cf1bb5 blob - 0bf8d4ef537edc30333e36f15481717a8e080138 blob + 25970b602452457a6b92a68f617e202d78a6eb14 --- +++ @@ -26,3 +26,9 @@ The following variables are available for customizatio by e.g. `comment-dwim`. see `M-x customize-group a68 RET` for more info. + + +### Known issues + +It doesn't handle well shebangs: `#!` is taken as the start of the +comment up to the next `#`.