commit 75fd46eb6637a8c2c5c43c690dfcf4dacf02d6bf from: Omar Polo date: Mon Jan 02 12:37:18 2023 UTC README: mention pwg commit - 95d357f2b1e86caaebf7b791f7dab09085f07fce commit + 75fd46eb6637a8c2c5c43c690dfcf4dacf02d6bf blob - 854f48f2970ccc79eda0d56cea4e8a095cc8856d blob + 1f494eefa42c19abfed763343fdacb56fd7d49ee --- +++ @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ trees nor colors in the output; the absence of these i feature. In addition, plass uses got(1) to manage the password store and bundles -a small utility to generate TOTP codes: totp(1). +a small utility to generate TOTP codes: totp(1). Password generation is +done with a separate, but bundled, utility: pwg(1). To build and install it, just execute