commit 793e584b399e4461bfe196c73d47ea33d696429a from: Omar Polo date: Fri Oct 18 19:09:02 2019 UTC removed -std=c89 don't pretend this is C89, this is C99. We use stdint and other stuff. This also remove A LOT of warnings etc... commit - c758d8da5386433d70d0e60af3fb27aba6bf0ad5 commit + 793e584b399e4461bfe196c73d47ea33d696429a blob - 22d3bb6abc025f49fb64f1e8f5aa172afab1d2d7 blob + 83cd59c6746c9a2ee1f11144e3ae8026adb4a1e9 --- Makefile +++ Makefile @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ CDEFS = -DUSE_XINERAMA -DUSE_XFT -DUSE_STRCASESTR CC ?= cc LIBS = `pkg-config --libs x11 $(OPTIONAL)` OPTIM = -O3 -CFLAGS = $(CDEFS) -std=c89 -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" `pkg-config --cflags x11 $(OPTIONAL)` +CFLAGS = $(CDEFS) -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" `pkg-config --cflags x11 $(OPTIONAL)` .PHONY: all clean install debug no_xft no_xinerama no_xft_xinerama gnu manpage