commit 8596ea4a644bf4266a627659241b6eaee71b9922 from: Omar Polo date: Wed Mar 30 14:29:04 2022 UTC add an alias also for m{com,rep,fwd,bnc} to use a custom VISUAL mg with -f auto-fill-mode is super-sweet commit - 52047f1b5b80b82f01249a90a9bf6fd778049ba8 commit + 8596ea4a644bf4266a627659241b6eaee71b9922 blob - cd55c3f542a910a8451abcd358b1e5c69488b585 blob + 3cc471211c76002f03b8c541061967ce6a85db57 --- kshrc.lp +++ kshrc.lp @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ And even more aliases: alias mopnew="mdirs ~/Maildir/op | grep -v emacs | mlist -st | mthread -r | mseq -S" for c in com rep fwd bnc; do + alias m$c="VISUAL='mg -f auto-fill-mode' m$c" alias o$c="m$c -from 'Omar Polo '" done