commit 87986040c34281a3660bec9a65057f5a6aabfd1d from: Omar Polo date: Wed Jan 11 21:35:24 2023 UTC plass edit: delete the temp file File::Temp lied. it says UNLINK defaults to true but the files were still in my /tmp. Quick workaround, needs something better that takes care also of cleaning up on die(). commit - 8ce01796c68dfe0e12b6a1869be69cf3b2cf2584 commit + 87986040c34281a3660bec9a65057f5a6aabfd1d blob - 54d1d407f6d1a8d05b2acbf06a055e1d7c8c1a34 blob + 7da5e6f5d5a66fbe22511b60d0599b099194228d --- plass +++ plass @@ -211,12 +211,14 @@ sub cmd_edit { if ($oldtime == $newtime) { say STDERR "no changes made."; + unlink $filename or die "can't delete $filename: $!\n"; return } open(STDIN, '<', $filename) or die "can't redirect stdin: $!"; open(STDOUT, '>', $epath) or die "can't redirect stdout: $!"; system ($gpg, @gpg_flags, '-e', '-r', recipient(), '-o', '-'); + unlink $filename or die "can't delete $filename: $!\n"; die "gpg failed" if $? != 0; got_add $epath;