commit 92422b9911ff6813f00ac304bc7ea487c48211fd from: Omar Polo date: Sun May 07 10:38:18 2023 UTC use UTC for times in listings The listings (index pages and thread pages) now use UTC for the time to make it less ambiguous. The mail page instead keeps the local time of the sender, but there we show the full header so it's easy to see to which TZ is relative. commit - 79cd2b80e724358ae11bef76aadc484cc5a78a59 commit + 92422b9911ff6813f00ac304bc7ea487c48211fd blob - 5a1f4106e82d9a981c16293f0d4dd285e9bc7701 blob + ede3e41bc3c908bcd051566a312b20c8d539a9de --- smarc +++ smarc @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export MBLAZE_PAGER=cat export MDIR="$mdir" export OUTDIR="${outdir:-/var/www/smarc}" export TMPLDIR="$tmpldir" +export TZ=UTC # make sure the directories are there set -e