commit a9fc4552072cca5e6289a54e8a6b68b5675e658b from: Omar Polo date: Thu Feb 17 00:08:48 2022 UTC add a readme commit - fe69a8fc4d117bc3ecea23bc465a8dac5c037496 commit + a9fc4552072cca5e6289a54e8a6b68b5675e658b blob - /dev/null blob + 620e5a53976941328677152262c8c09aecbfd03d (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# amused + +amused is a music player. It doesn't have any amazing functionalities +built-in, on the contrary: it's quite minimal (a fancy word to say +that does very little.) It composes well, or aims to do so, with +other tools, find(1) in particular. + +The main feature is that the process of decoding the audio from the +files is done in a sandboxed project that runs with `pledge("stdio +recvfd audio")`. Oh, by the way, amused targets OpenBSD only: it +relies its make infrastructure to build, uses various cool stuff +from its libc and can output only to sndio. + +(I *think* it's possible to compile it on other UNIX-like systems +too by providing shims for some non-portable functions -- hello +libbsd -- and assuming that sndio is available. Oh, and that you +bundle a copy of imsg.c too) + + +## building + + make + +it needs the following packages from ports: + + - flac + - libmad + - libvorbis + - opusfile + +Release tarballs installs into `/usr/local/`, git checkouts installs +into `~/bin` (idea and implementation stolen from got, thanks stsp!) + + +## usage + +The fine man page has all nitty gritty details, but the TL;DR is + + - enqueue music with `amused add files...` + - control the playback with `amused play|pause|toggle|stop` etc + +Pro tip: amused plays well with find: + + find . -type f -iname \*.opus -exec amused add {} + + +Well, for these kinds of things I wrote a wrapper aronud find called +walk that's very handy in combo with amused too! + + walk \*.opus ! amused add + +(walk lives in my [dotfiles](//